[HTML][HTML] Stem cell therapy in pain medicine

YH Han, KH Kim, S Abdi… - The Korean Journal of …, 2019 - synapse.koreamed.org
Stem cells are attracting attention as a key element in future medicine, satisfying the desire
to live a healthier life with the possibility that they can regenerate tissue damaged or …

Stem Cell c-KIT and HOXB4 Genes: Critical Roles and Mechanisms in Self-Renewal, Proliferation, and Differentiation

S Sharma, GU Gurudutta, NK Satija, S Pati… - Stem cells and …, 2006 - liebertpub.com
Hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) possess a distinct ability to perpetuate through self-
renewal and to generate progeny that differentiate into mature cells of myeloid and lymphoid …

Regenerative dental medicine: stem cells and tissue engineering in dentistry

JA Reed, R Patarca - Journal of environmental pathology …, 2006 - dl.begellhouse.com
The dawn of this century is brightened by the growing understanding and experimentation
with stem cells as primary tools in the expanding regenerative medicine and tissue …

[PDF][PDF] 肝脏再生的动物模型

张艳, 黄淑帧 - 中国生物工程杂志, 2003 - manu60.magtech.com.cn
摘要肝细胞移植相对于全肝脏移植有其优越性, 包括低致死率, 低耗费, 技术可行,
有克服器官短缺的可能性, 具有临床应用的潜能. 目前关于移植肝细胞再生的研究大多数关注在 …

Artificial intelligence in stem cell therapies and organ regeneration

M Srinivasan, SR Thangaraj… - Artificial Intelligence in …, 2023 - Elsevier
Artificial intelligence has been defined as a wide range of systems that work not only to
mimic human intelligence but also to expedite the time, cost, and effort taken to perform …

Cell biological characteristics of adult stem cells

YI Kim, IH Oh - Journal of the Korean Medical Association, 2005 - synapse.koreamed.org
Adult stem cells and embryonic stem cells are two counterparts of stem cells that can be
used for the regeneration of organs and for cell therapy. While each stem cell has its own …

[PDF][PDF] Kantasolujen kaupallinen tuotanto ja sen laatutekijät

ADA OJUVA - utupub.fi
Kantasolut pystyvät erilaistumaan eri kudostyyppien soluiksi ja jakautumaan itsenäisesti,
siksi niiden uskotaan mullistavan regeneratiiviset lääketieteelliset hoitomuodot …

[PDF][PDF] Comprehensive Review

Hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) possess a distinct ability to perpetuate through self-
renewal and to generate progeny that differentiate into mature cells of myeloid and lymphoid …

[引用][C] 免疫磁珠法分离提纯骨髓造血干细胞方法的建立

杨定华 - 广西医科大学学报, 2004

[引用][C] 成体干细胞在组织工程化牙本质牙髓复合体中的应用研究与展望

贺慧霞, 史俊南, 金岩 - 牙体牙髓牙周病学杂志, 2004