Tactile perception information recognition of prosthetic hand based on dnn-lstm
J Bai, B Li, H Wang, Y Guo - IEEE Transactions on …, 2022 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The development of prosthetic hand technology has brought good news to the patients with
hand loss, but most prosthetic hands lack tactile perception, while normal human hands are …
hand loss, but most prosthetic hands lack tactile perception, while normal human hands are …
i-MYO: A Hybrid Prosthetic Hand Control System based on Eye-tracking, Augmented Reality and Myoelectric signal
C Shi, D Yang, J Zhao, L Jiang - arXiv preprint arXiv:2205.08948, 2022 - arxiv.org
Dexterous prosthetic hands have better grasp performance than traditional ones. However,
patients still find it difficult to use these hands without a suitable control system. A new hybrid …
patients still find it difficult to use these hands without a suitable control system. A new hybrid …
The switchable cable-driven mechanism to control multiple cables individually using a single motor
The cable-driven mechanism is frequently used in many mechanical systems and usually
requires one motor for each cable. If the system controls multiple cables, additional …
requires one motor for each cable. If the system controls multiple cables, additional …
i-GSI: A Fast and Reliable Grasp-type Switching Interface based on Augmented Reality and Eye-tracking
The control of multi-fingered dexterous prosthetics hand remains challenging due to the lack
of an intuitive and efficient Grasp-type Switching Interface (GSI). We propose a new GSI (i …
of an intuitive and efficient Grasp-type Switching Interface (GSI). We propose a new GSI (i …
Data-driven robotics
An injury brought on by a decline in the patient's skin's structure and function is referred to as
a wound. Wounds are often identified as cuts, scratches, and punctured skin (Feneley et al …
a wound. Wounds are often identified as cuts, scratches, and punctured skin (Feneley et al …
A scoping review on upper extremity prostheses: Satisfaction, barriers, and their implications in resource-limited countries
LML Dizon, CFD Leochico, RS Ramirez… - Prosthetics and …, 2022 - journals.lww.com
The rates of prosthetic abandonment are not extensively understood especially in resource-
limited countries. A scoping review was conducted to examine the literature on the …
limited countries. A scoping review was conducted to examine the literature on the …
Μελέτη Και Προτεινόμενος Σχεδιασμός Κατασκευής, μέσω Τρισδιάστατης Εκτύπωσης, Άνω Άκρου για χρήση σε Άτομα Με Αναπηρία
Α Νίκου - 2024 - polynoe.lib.uniwa.gr
Στην παρούσα εργασία μελετάται ο σχεδιασμός τεχνητού μέλους άνω άκρου μέσω της
μεθόδου της τρισδιάστατης εκτύπωσης. Αναλύονται οι επιπτώσεις του ακρωτηριασμού άνω …
μεθόδου της τρισδιάστατης εκτύπωσης. Αναλύονται οι επιπτώσεις του ακρωτηριασμού άνω …
Data-driven robotics: A performance analysis of wearable sensor-based wound assessment system for sensor data collection
An injury brought on by a decline in the patient's skin's structure and function is referred to as
a wound. Wounds are often identified as cuts, scratches, and punctured skin (Feneley et al …
a wound. Wounds are often identified as cuts, scratches, and punctured skin (Feneley et al …
Design of the Self-adaptive Robot Finger Triggered by Light Pression with Cooperative Assistant
H Zhao, W Zhang, W Li - 2021 6th IEEE International …, 2021 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This paper proposes an electronic trigger assisted coupled and self-adaptive finger, LPCA
finger. LPCA finger is provided with two joints, two motors, two sensors and a control …
finger. LPCA finger is provided with two joints, two motors, two sensors and a control …