Imprinting: Toward a multilevel theory

C Marquis, A Tilcsik - The Academy of Management Annals, 2013 - Taylor & Francis
The concept of imprinting has attracted considerable interest in numerous fields—including
organizational ecology, institutional theory, network analysis, and career research—and has …

Inequality of opportunity in comparative perspective: Recent research on educational attainment and social mobility

R Breen, JO Jonsson - Annu. Rev. Sociol., 2005 -
Studies of how characteristics of the family of origin are associated with educational and
labor market outcomes indicate the degree of openness of societies and have a long …

[PDF][PDF] 高等教育扩张与教育机会不平等

李春玲 - 社会学研究, 2010 -
教育扩张可以为人们提供更多的教育机会, 但它能否使教育机会分配变得更加平等,
这一直是引发论争的问题. 1999-2002 年期间, 中国政府采取了大学扩招政策 …

[图书][B] Education as a lifelong process

HP Blossfeld, J Von Maurice - 2019 - Springer
In modern societies, education has become a lifelong process. This has made the principles
of life-course research of utmost significance in empirical education research. As stated by …

Why do students from underprivileged families less often intend to study abroad?

M Lörz, N Netz, H Quast - Higher Education, 2016 - Springer
Alongside the educational expansion and internationalisation of economies, it has become
more important for students' labour market success to spend part of their studies abroad …

Persistent inequality in educational attainment and its institutional context

FT Pfeffer - European sociological review, 2008 -
Research has repeatedly shown that educational opportunities are distributed unevenly in
all countries. Therefore, the question is not whether family background and educational …

Intergenerational inequality: A sociological perspective

R Erikson, JH Goldthorpe - Journal of Economic Perspectives, 2002 -
When economists are concerned with the inheritance of inequality, they typically focus on
the intergenerational transmission of income or wealth. In contrast, sociologists are more …

First grade and educational attainment by age 22: A new story

DR Entwisle, KL Alexander… - American journal of …, 2005 -
Studies of the persistence of social stratification rely heavily on students' experience in
secondary schools. In this study, outcomes for a randomly selected panel of Baltimore …

The influence of dual enrollment on academic performance and college readiness: Differences by socioeconomic status

BP An - Research in Higher Education, 2013 - Springer
I examine the influence of dual enrollment, a program that allows students to take college
courses and earn college credits while in high school, on academic performance and …

[图书][B] Bildung als Privileg: erklärungen und Befunde zu den Ursachen der Bildungsungleichheit

R Becker, W Lauterbach - 2016 - Springer
Zweifelsohne ist Bildung immer noch eine der drängenden sozialen Fragen unserer
Gegenwart. Bildung ist eine der wichtigsten Investitionen in die gesellschaftliche …