On the third wave of democratization: A synthesis and evaluation of recent theory and research

DC Shin - World politics, 1994 - cambridge.org
This article synthesizes significant findings of theoretical and empirical research on the third
wave of democratization. It addresses a number of central questions. What changes have …

Communists and democrats: Democratic attitudes in the two Germanies

RJ Dalton - British Journal of Political Science, 1994 - cambridge.org
German unification has revived earlier scholarly debates about the nature of the German
political culture and the ability of the nation to rise above its cultural heritage–now focused …

Replete and desolate markets: Poland, East Germany, and the new religious paradigm

P Froese, S Pfaff - Social forces, 2001 - academic.oup.com
Is the new paradigm in the sociology of religion, known commonly as the “supply-side” or
“rational choice” perspective, leading towards a plausible general theory? At this point, the …

Report from the laboratory: The influence of institutions on political elites' democratic values in Germany

R Rohrschneider - American Political Science Review, 1994 - cambridge.org
The unification of Germany revives several questions about the future of Germany's
democracy. Given the socialist-authoritarian background, how supportive are East …

The Axis Powers 50 Years Later: Germany-A New" Wall in the Mind"?

HD Klingemann, RI Hofferbert - Journal of Democracy, 1994 - muse.jhu.edu
For the second time in this century, political developments in Germany are posing a
challenge to widely accepted assumptions about democracy. On the first occasion, optimism …

Church elites and the restoration of civil society in the communist societies of Central Europe

ML Gautier - Journal of Church and State, 1998 - academic.oup.com
The active tole played by churches in the pro-democracy movements of Eastern Europe in
the late 1980s, particularly in Poland and East Germany, challenges us to take a closer look …

[图书][B] Wirtschaftskulturen in der erweiterten EU

M Hölscher - 2006 - Springer
Die Europäische Union befindet sich in einer der wichtigsten Phasen ihrer bisherigen
Geschichte. Mit der bereits erfolgten Erweiterung um zehn Mitglieder im Mai 2004 und der …

Religious oddities: Explaining the divergent religious markets of Poland and East Germany

P Froese, S Pfaff - Church and religion in contemporary Europe: Results …, 2009 - Springer
Over the past two decades a new paradigm within the sociology of religion has been
amassing empirical support and theoretical refinement (Finke/Stark 1992; Iannaccone 1991; …

Legal socialization effects on democratization

ES Cohn, SO White - International social science journal, 1997 - Wiley Online Library
Much has happened in the few short years since the 1989 revolutions that freed the Central
and Eastern Europe countries from Soviet domination and started them towards …

Political parties and democratization in South Korea: The mass public and the democractic consolidation of political parties

DC Shin - Democratization, 1995 - Taylor & Francis
This study examines the growth of popular support for a competitive multi‐party system as
an indicator of democratic consolidation in South Korea. Using a national sample survey …