Non-intrusive load monitoring: A review

PA Schirmer, I Mporas - IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2022 -
The rapid development of technology in the electrical energy sector within the last 20 years
has led to growing electric power needs through the increased number of electrical …

Device and time invariant features for transferable non-intrusive load monitoring

PA Schirmer, I Mporas - IEEE Open Access Journal of Power …, 2022 -
Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring aims to extract the energy consumption of individual
electrical appliances through disaggregation of the total power consumption as measured …

Evaluation of features generated by a high-end low-cost electrical smart meter

C Koutroumpina, S Sioutas, S Koutroubinas, K Tsichlas - Algorithms, 2021 -
The problem of energy disaggregation is the separation of an aggregate energy signal into
the consumption of individual appliances in a household. This is useful, since the goal of …

2D transformations of energy signals for energy disaggregation

PA Schirmer, I Mporas - Sensors, 2022 -
The aim of Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring is to estimate the energy consumption of
individual electrical appliances by disaggregating the overall power consumption that has …

Bayesian Matrix Factorization and Applications

O Dalhoumi - 2022 -
Nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF) reduces the observed nonnegative matrix into a
product of two nonnegative matrices. Nonnegativity entails two major implications: non …