Getting participatory design done: From methods and choices to translation work across constituent domains
Collaborative arrangements between users and designers today are enacted in a
broadening array of circumstances. These include extended, even years-long projects within …
broadening array of circumstances. These include extended, even years-long projects within …
[图书][B] Drifting by intention
P Krogh, I Koskinen - 2020 - Springer
The term constructive design research captures what happens to design when it shifts from
building products, services, jewelry, interactive systems, textiles, fashion objects, etc. to …
building products, services, jewelry, interactive systems, textiles, fashion objects, etc. to …
Existential time and historicity in interaction design
FMC Van Amstel, RF Gonzatto - Human–Computer Interaction, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
Time is considered a defining factor for interaction design (Kolko, 2011; Löwgren, 2002;
Malouf, 2007; Mazé, 2007; Smith, 2007), yet little is known about its history in this field. The …
Malouf, 2007; Mazé, 2007; Smith, 2007), yet little is known about its history in this field. The …
Los métodos más característicos del diseño centrado en el usuario-DCU-, adaptados para el desarrollo de productos materiales
M Trujillo Suárez, JJ Aguilar, C Neira - Iconofacto, 2016 -
El diseño centrado en el usuario–DCU-nace en los años ochenta, orientado al diseño de
productos más útiles, usables y deseables; mejorando el entendimiento del usuario, los …
productos más útiles, usables y deseables; mejorando el entendimiento del usuario, los …
Towards a closer dialogue between policy and practice: responsible design in HCI
B Grimpe, M Hartswood, M Jirotka - … of the SIGCHI conference on human …, 2014 -
Given the potent and pervasive nature of modern technologies, this paper lays out the
complexities involved in achieving responsible design. In order to do this we will first …
complexities involved in achieving responsible design. In order to do this we will first …
When self-organization intersects with urban planning: Two cases from Helsinki
L Horelli, J Saad-Sulonen, S Wallin… - Planning Practice & …, 2015 - Taylor & Francis
Participation as self-organization has emerged as a new form of citizen activism, often
supported by digital technology. A comparative qualitative analysis of two case studies in …
supported by digital technology. A comparative qualitative analysis of two case studies in …
[图书][B] Design for Service: A framework for articulating designers' contribution as interpreter of users' experience
K Wetter-Edman - 2014 -
During the past approximately 15 years designers have paid increasing attention to service
and changes in our society, resulting in a new design discipline–service design. In parallel …
and changes in our society, resulting in a new design discipline–service design. In parallel …
The social production of design space
Highlights•Shifts the attention from design space to the production of design
space.•Introduces the notion of contradiction as an alternative to constraint.•Applies a …
space.•Introduces the notion of contradiction as an alternative to constraint.•Applies a …
Designing as a Futural Praxis for the Healing of the Web of Life
A Escobar - Design in Crisis, 2020 -
This chapter discusses the re/emergence of 'relationality'as a way of understanding reality
and as an onto-epistemic foundation for designing/ing. It introduces the problematic of onto …
and as an onto-epistemic foundation for designing/ing. It introduces the problematic of onto …
Yhteissuunnittelu ja palvelumuotoilu julkisen sektorin kehityssuuntina: kaupunkilaiset tekijöinä, käyttäjinä ja kumppaneina keskustakirjasto Oodin suunnittelussa
V Hyysalo - 2022 -
Tämän artikkelipohjaisen väitöskirjan tutkimuskohteena on Helsingin keskustakirjasto Oodin
yhteissuunnittelu ja sen tarkastelu osana laajempaa julkisen sektorin uudistumista …
yhteissuunnittelu ja sen tarkastelu osana laajempaa julkisen sektorin uudistumista …