Applying a constructivist and collaborative methodological approach in engineering education

L Moreno, C Gonzalez, I Castilla, E Gonzalez… - Computers & …, 2007 - Elsevier
In this paper, a methodological educational proposal based on constructivism and
collaborative learning theories is described. The suggested approach has been successfully …

A novel approach for collaborative pair programming

S Goel, V Kathuria - Journal of Information Technology Education …, 2010 -
The majority of an engineer's time in the software industry is spent working with other
programmers. Agile methods of software development like eXtreme Programming strongly …

Use of constructivism and collaborative teaching in an ILP processors course

L Moreno, C Gonzalez, I Castilla… - IEEE Transactions …, 2007 -
Simulators are widely used to teach instruction level parallelism (ILP) topics. A simulator
called SIMDE, which combines the superscalar and very long instruction word (VLIW) …

Design of Interventions for Instructional Reform in Software Development Education for Competency Enhancement.

S Goel - Online Submission, 2010 - ERIC
Community and culture significantly influence value orientation, perceived needs, and
motivation as well as provide the ground for creating shared understanding. All disciplines …

[PDF][PDF] Adopting Exploratory+ Collaborative Learning in an Adaptive CSCL Environment for Introductory Programming

A Gogoulou, E Gouli, M Grigoriadou - Workshop on Innovations in …, 2003 - Citeseer
The work, presented in this paper, examines and discusses issues concerning the adoption
of the ECLiP (Exploratory+ Collaborative Learning in Programming) framework in the …

[PDF][PDF] Teaching programming with ECLiP didactical approach

A Gogoulou, E Gouli, M Grigoriadou - International Conference on …, 2009 -
ECLiP aims to establish a learning setting which supports students' active involvement and
contributes to the knowledge construction and the development of skills in programming …

O uso dos Jogos Como Estratégia de Aprendizagem Para Alunos do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico: O Caso do CD-ROM" Escola Digital"

SL Abrantes - 2007 -
O e-learning surge da aplicação das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TIC) aos
processos de ensino e aprendizagem levando à criação de novas formas de aprendizagem …

Engaging and supporting students in exploratory and collaborative activities: the use of e-ECLip and act environments in learning programming

A Gogoulou, E Gouli, M Grigoriadou - International Journal of e …, 2012 -
Abstract e-ECLiP aims to establish a learning environment which promotes students' active
involvement, contributes to the knowledge construction and the development of skills in …

[PDF][PDF] Εφαρµόζοντας το Πλαίσιο ECLiP για τη∆ ιδασκαλία των Επαναληπτικών∆ οµών στα ΤΕΕ

Μ Γρηγοριάδου, Α Γόγουλου, Κ Γούδα - Πρακτικά 3ου Πανελληνίου …, 2005 -
Στην παρούσα εργασία, παρουσιάζεται ο σχεδιασµός και η εφαρµογή τριών φύλλων εργασίας
για τη διδασκαλία των επαναληπτικών δοµών σε µαθητές των ΤΕΕ. Ο σχεδιασµός των …

[PDF][PDF] Supporting Individualized Learning+ Collaborative Learning+ Assessment: The case of SCALE

M Samarakou, M Grigoriadou, E Gouli… - WSEAS International …, 2005 - Citeseer
Towards the direction of interweaving individualized learning with collaborative learning as
well as assessment, we developed the SCALE (Supporting Collaboration and Adaptation in …