[HTML][HTML] Fatigue crack initiation in the presence of stratified surface layers on rail wheels

M Freisinger, B Jakab, K Pichelbauer… - International Journal of …, 2023 - Elsevier
This work presents a study on the fatigue crack initiation in the presence of stratified surface
layers (SSL)–a combination of white and brown etching layer–on rail wheels. Reproducible …

[HTML][HTML] Scaling-up laser cladding of rails

K Yildirimli, HB Pereira, H Goldenstein, DI Fletcher… - Wear, 2024 - Elsevier
With rail travel getting more popular more demands are being put on rail infrastructure. The
wheel/rail contact is the one of the main parameters that is key to maintaining a high …

[PDF][PDF] Structure and properties of the S49 rail after a long term outdoor exposure

J Konieczny, K Labisz - Advances in Science and Technology …, 2022 - bibliotekanauki.pl
The subject of the research in this work was the S49 rail made of R260 rail steel (1.0623).
The carried out investigations concern microstructure tests and tests of mechanical …

Influence of the initial microstructure on the spheroidization of SAE 52100 bearing steel

H Hwang, BC De Cooman - steel research international, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
High carbon Cr‐bearing SAE 52100 is widely used for bearing production. The in‐service
microstructure of bearing steel is tempered high C martensite, which has superior …

Investigation of tribological properties of head, web and foot sections of R260 rail

F Bozkurt - Demiryolu Mühendisliği, 2023 - dergipark.org.tr
It is important to know tribological properties of rail and wheel for predicting the service life of
both components. In railway, the tribological system is open and the harsh working condition …

Numerical modeling of load and stress on the contact surface of a turnout and a railway vehicle

K Aniołek, J Herian - Journal of transportation engineering, 2013 - ascelibrary.org
In operating conditions, railroads are subject to abrasive and fatigue wear. Their durability
period depends on the properties of the materials from which rail sections are made, the …

[PDF][PDF] Effect of isothermal heat treatment on microstructure and wear behavior of pearlitic rail steel

N Tosangthuma, R Krataitonga, R Tongsria… - structure, 2023 - scienceasia.org
The properties of pearlitic steel are controlled by pearlite characteristics, which in turn
depend on transformation temperatures. This work aims to study the relationship between …

[PDF][PDF] Metallographic investigations of metal plate edges after cutting

D Gąsiorek, A Mężyk, A Skibniewski… - … of Achievements in …, 2013 - researchgate.net
Purpose: Cutting sheets of various materials is a commonly used product finishing process
in industrial conditions. If high quality of cut edges is required, defects caused by cutting on a …

[PDF][PDF] OOnn tthhee ffoorrmmaattiioonn ooff ssttrraattiiffiieedd ssuurrffaaccee llaayyeerrss aassssoocciiaatteedd ttoo ffaattiigguuee ccrraacckkss oonn rraaiill …

MM FFRREEIISSIINNGGEERR - 2023 - scholar.archive.org
Medium carbon steels are commonly used for railway wheels due to a good balance of
hardness and fracture toughness, as well as solid wear properties. Among rail wheel steels …

Investigation of Wear and Corrosion Resistance of Wc Coated Pearlitic Rail Steel in Dry and Liquid Environment Conditions

A ORAK, S KORKMAZ - Available at SSRN 4855839 - papers.ssrn.com
In this study, the effect of WC coating on the tribological performance of rail steels was
investigated by roller on plate wear tests and potentiodynamic polarization corrosion tests …