A survey of machine learning for big data processing

J Qiu, Q Wu, G Ding, Y Xu, S Feng - EURASIP Journal on Advances in …, 2016 - Springer
There is no doubt that big data are now rapidly expanding in all science and engineering
domains. While the potential of these massive data is undoubtedly significant, fully making …

Big data stream analysis: a systematic literature review

T Kolajo, O Daramola, A Adebiyi - Journal of Big Data, 2019 - Springer
Recently, big data streams have become ubiquitous due to the fact that a number of
applications generate a huge amount of data at a great velocity. This made it difficult for …

Security, privacy and trust in Internet of Things: The road ahead

S Sicari, A Rizzardi, LA Grieco, A Coen-Porisini - Computer networks, 2015 - Elsevier
Abstract Internet of Things (IoT) is characterized by heterogeneous technologies, which
concur to the provisioning of innovative services in various application domains. In this …

[PDF][PDF] Apache flink: Stream and batch processing in a single engine

P Carbone, A Katsifodimos, S Ewen, V Markl… - The Bulletin of the …, 2015 - diva-portal.org
Apache Flink 1 is an open-source system for processing streaming and batch data. Flink is
built on the philosophy that many classes of data processing applications, including real …

Videoedge: Processing camera streams using hierarchical clusters

CC Hung, G Ananthanarayanan… - 2018 IEEE/ACM …, 2018 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Organizations deploy a hierarchy of clusters-cameras, private clusters, public clouds-for
analyzing live video feeds from their cameras. Video analytics queries have many …

Live video analytics at scale with approximation and {Delay-Tolerance}

H Zhang, G Ananthanarayanan, P Bodik… - … USENIX Symposium on …, 2017 - usenix.org
Video cameras are pervasively deployed for security and smart city scenarios, with millions
of them in large cities worldwide. Achieving the potential of these cameras requires …

Noscope: optimizing neural network queries over video at scale

D Kang, J Emmons, F Abuzaid, P Bailis… - arXiv preprint arXiv …, 2017 - arxiv.org
Recent advances in computer vision-in the form of deep neural networks-have made it
possible to query increasing volumes of video data with high accuracy. However, neural …

Samza: stateful scalable stream processing at LinkedIn

SA Noghabi, K Paramasivam, Y Pan… - Proceedings of the …, 2017 - dl.acm.org
Distributed stream processing systems need to support stateful processing, recover quickly
from failures to resume such processing, and reprocess an entire data stream quickly. We …

Storm@ twitter

A Toshniwal, S Taneja, A Shukla… - Proceedings of the …, 2014 - dl.acm.org
This paper describes the use of Storm at Twitter. Storm is a real-time fault-tolerant and
distributed stream data processing system. Storm is currently being used to run various …

Focus: Querying large video datasets with low latency and low cost

K Hsieh, G Ananthanarayanan, P Bodik… - … USENIX Symposium on …, 2018 - usenix.org
Large volumes of videos are continuously recorded from cameras deployed for traffic control
and surveillance with the goal of answering “after the fact” queries: identify video frames with …