k-tuple and k-tuple total dominations on web graphs

MP Dobson, VA Leoni, MI Lopez Pujato - 2021 - ri.conicet.gov.ar
In this work we address k-tuple and k-tuple total dominations on the subclass of circular-arc
graphs given by web graphs. For the non total version, we present a linear time algorithm …

Efficient algorithms for tuple domination on co-biconvex graphs and web graphs

MP Dobson, V Leoni, MIL Pujato - arXiv preprint arXiv:2008.05345, 2020 - arxiv.org
A vertex in a graph dominates itself and each of its adjacent vertices. The\emph {$ k $-tuple
domination problem}, for a fixed positive integer $ k $, is to find a minimum sized vertex …

[PDF][PDF] New polynomial circular-arc instances of tuple domination in graphs

M Escalante, V Leoni, MIL Pujato - 2022 - openproceedings.org
It is well-known that 1-tuple domination (classical domination) is NP-hard for general graphs.
For circular-arc graphs, it is efficiently solvable due to MS Chang (1998). On the other side …