On the structure of jets in a crossflow

J Andreopoulos - Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 1985 - cambridge.org
Spectral analysis and flow visualization are presented for various velocity ratios and
Reynolds numbers of a jet issuing perpendicularly from a developing pipe flow into a …

The effect of concave surface curvature on turbulent boundary layers

PH Hoffmann, KC Muck, P Bradshaw - Journal of Fluid mechanics, 1985 - cambridge.org
The response of a turbulent boundary layer to suddenly applied concave surface curvature
with δ/R= 0.01–0.02 is investigated. The main conclusion of this and the companion paper …

The structure of turbulent boundary layers at low Reynolds numbers

J Murlis, HM Tsai, P Bradshaw - Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 1982 - cambridge.org
Conditionally sampled hot-wire and 'cold-wire'(resistance-thermometer) measure-ments
confirm the general flow picture advanced by Falco (1974, 1977, 1980; see also Smith & …

Turbulence structure of a boundary layer beneath a turbulent free stream

PE Hancock, P Bradshaw - Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 1989 - cambridge.org
Measurements have been made in the turbulent boundary layer on a flat plate in the
presence of grid-generated free-stream, turbulence with a wide range of lengthscales. The …

A turbulent flow over a curved hill Part 1. Growth of an internal boundary layer

V Baskaran, AJ Smits, PN Joubert - Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 1987 - cambridge.org
Two experiments were performed to study the response of turbulent boundary layers to
sudden changes in surface curvature and pressure gradient. In the first experiment, the …

Influence of the ambient pressure on the liquid accumulation and on the primary spray in prefilming airblast atomization

G Chaussonnet, S Gepperth, S Holz, R Koch… - International Journal of …, 2020 - Elsevier
The influence of the ambient pressure on the breakup process is investigated by means of
PIV and shadowgraphy in the configuration of a planar prefilming airblast atomizer. The …

Measurements in a jet-pipe flow issuing perpendicularly into a cross stream

J Andreopoulos - 1982 - asmedigitalcollection.asme.org
Measurements are presented of velocity fluctuation statistics in the jet-pipe of a jet in a cross-
flow situation for various values of the jet-pipe to cross-flow velocity ratio. The …

On the persistence of trailing vortices

L Jacquin, C Pantano - Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2002 - cambridge.org
The short-wave stability properties of a Batchelor vortex are used to explain the intrinsic
resistance of vortices to turbulent diffusion. We show that turbulence produced within the …

Counter-hairpin vortices in the turbulent wake of a sharp trailing edge

S Ghaemi, F Scarano - Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2011 - cambridge.org
The unsteady organization and evolution of coherent structures within the turbulent
boundary layer and subsequent wake of the sharp symmetric trailing edge of a NACA0012 …

Characteristics of the flow around conventional and supercritical airfoils

A Nakayama - Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 1985 - cambridge.org
Measurements of the mean and fluctuating velocities have been obtained with pressure and
hot-wire probes in the attached boundary layers and wakes of two airfoil models at a low …