Fablab interne: quels effets sur le contexte organisationnel? Le cas d'un cabinet de conseil

S Fagbohoun - Innovations, 2021 - cairn.info
Dans cette recherche, nous cherchons à identifier les effets d'un Fablab interne (ou Fablab
d'entreprise) sur le contexte organisationnel dans lequel il est mis en place, pour que les …

Energy introspector: A parallel, composable framework for integrated power-reliability-thermal modeling for multicore architectures

WJ Song, S Mukhopadhyay… - 2014 IEEE International …, 2014 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Sustaining processor performance growth is challenged by physical limitations due to
increased power and heat dissipations. Power and thermal management techniques …

A framework for a clinical reasoning knowledge warehouse

KV Pedersen - 2004 IDEAS Workshop on Medical Information …, 2004 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In many areas of the medical domain, the decision process ie reasoning, involving health
care professionals is distributed, cooperative and complex. This paper presents a framework …

[PDF][PDF] Ein Peer-to-Peer Knowledge Management System basierend auf Topic Maps zur Unterstützung von Wissensflüssen

T Schwotzer - 2006 - depositonce.tu-berlin.de
Die Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit verteiltem Wissensmangement. Es geht der Frage nach, wie
Wissen in Organisationen fließt. Basierend auf einer Analyse wird die These formuliert, dass …

Work In progress-How elementary programming impacts student's attitude in computer science

M Doyle, SW Soled… - 2007 37th Annual Frontiers …, 2007 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This paper describes the impact of a new course in elementary programming on retention
and recruitment of technology majors. This new course, elementary programming (EP), was …

[PDF][PDF] Uma Abordagem Colaborativa para a Identificação de Fatores que Influenciam a Inovação

REL Escalfoni, DPN Machado… - Simpósio Brasileiro de …, 2009 - academia.edu
Ultimamente inovação vem sendo tratada como um fator essencial para o desenvolvimento
de organizações e geração de riquezas. Porém, a complexidade inerente ao processo tem …

Process Awareness in Divergence-supportive Knowledge Communities

F Daneshgar, G Canals, A Diaz - 5th International Conference on …, 2005 - hal.science
DIVergence Awareness (DIVA) is a technological framework for management of divergence
occurrence in knowledge communities, which is a precursor to the creation of new …

Public memory: How Vietnam veterans are using technology to make private memory public

D Woytek - 2009 - dsc.duq.edu
The narrative relationship of a group of Americans who served in the Vietnam War is the
focus of this dissertation. This group is unique to veteran groups that have returned from …

A Collaborative Approach to Identify Innovative Features

REL Escalfoni, DPN Machado… - 2009 Simposio …, 2009 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Innovation has been treated as an essential factor to the development of organizations and
wealth generation. However, the inherent complexity of the process has shown a hard …

Knowledge Workspace Design Schema for Mass Customisation Knowledge Communities

F Daneshgar, G Canals, A Diaz - … Mass Customization Meeting …, 2005 - books.google.com
In the trend of mass customisation knowledge management in general, and knowledge
communities in particular, can play major roles in successful management of, and sharing …