Sufism and the Indonesian Islamic revival

JD Howell - The Journal of Asian Studies, 2001 -
Like other parts of the muslim world, Indonesia has experienced an Islamic revival since the
1970s (cf. Hefner 1997; Jones 1980; Liddle 1996, 622–25; Muzaffar 1986; Schwarz 1994 …

[图书][B] Buku Ajar Akhlak Tasawuf

S Rohmah - 2021 -
Buku yang berjudul Buku Ajar Akhlak Tasawuf ini dibuat untuk bahan ajar mahasiswa yang
disesuaikan berdasarkan Kurikulum KKNI (Kerangka Kualifikasi Nasional Indonesia) dan …

The Contribution of Abu-Hamid al-‎ Ghazali to Shaping Businesspeople's‎ Personalities

A Zunaidi - TSAQAFAH, 2022 -
As a Sufi figure, al-Ghazali developed moral Sufism as part of his desire to provide ethics in
dealing with worldly activities so that they are more focused and run. This study is structured …

[PDF][PDF] Spiritualitas Masyarakat Modern Dalam Tasawuf Buya Hamka

N Azizah, M Jannah - Academic Journal of Islamic Principles …, 2022 -
Tasawuf modern Hamka sangat penting bagi era modern ini, karena masyarakat modern
kini terjebak oleh pola pikir rasional dan meninggalkan dimensi spiritual sehingga …

Esensi Tasawuf Akhlaki di Era Modernisasi

A Mannan - Aqidah-Ta: Jurnal Ilmu Aqidah, 2018 -
Tasawuf sebagai salah satu tipe mistisisme, dalam bahasa Inggris disebut sufisme. Kata
tasawuf mulai dipercakapkan pada akhir abad kedua hijriah yang dikaitkan dengan salah …

[PDF][PDF] Contribution of sufism to the development of moderate Islam in Nusantara

MA Anshori, ZH Prasojo, L Muhtifah - International Journal of …, 2021 -
This article analyzes the relationship between Sufism (mystical Islam) and the making of
moderate Islam in Nusantara, a region that historically has been covered by various Muslim …

Sufistic Phsycoteraphy; Telaah Metode Psikoterapi Ibnu Qayyim al-Jauziyyah

J Arroisi, RA Mukharom… - Analisis: Jurnal Studi …, 2021 -
Penelitian ini berangkat dari fenomena nir-kebahagiaan, kegersangan hati, kehampaan,
dan sakitnya jiwa manusia yang belum mampu disembuhkan oleh dunia medis maupun …

Menyeimbangkan ritualitas dan partisipasi sosial: Konsep tasawuf sosial Amin Syukur

R Saputra, RP Dalimunthe… - NALAR: Jurnal …, 2021 -
This study was aimed at analyzing the concept of social Sufism of Amin Syukur. This study
used a qualitative approach by placing the researcher as the key instrument, and was …

[PDF][PDF] Psychological Well-Being Sufism Practitioners as A Sufistic Conceling

MA Wahyudi - Jurnal Konseling Religi, 2020 -
Psychological well-being is a term used to describe the psychological health of individuals
who have a optimal and have a meaningful life. This research aimedat the psychological …

[PDF][PDF] Konseling Sufistik: Harmonisasi Psikologi dan Tasawuf dalam Mewujudkan Kesehatan Mental Sufi Counseling: Harmonization Between Psychology and …

Z Sabiq - Anil Islam: Jurnal Kebudayaan dan Ilmu Keislaman, 2016 -
Mental Health engenders harmony, tranquility, welfare, and peace of the soul. Mental health
can be realized if we comprehend the nature of human being as individual, social being …