Design and Test of Broadband Rectangular Waveguide TE10 to Circular Waveguide TE21 and TE01 Mode Converters

Y Xu, T Peng, M Sun, Y Luo, J Wang… - … on Electron Devices, 2019 -
In this paper, converters of TE–TE mode and TE–TE mode with similar exciting topologic
structures are designed and verified for a cold test of gyro-TWT. Both the proposed …

Design and Measurement of an H-Band Rectangular TE10 to TE20 Mode Converter

G Shu, Z Qian, W He - IEEE Access, 2020 -
A novel methodology of the mode conversion between rectangular TE 10 and TE 20 mode
based on the H-plane T-junction power dividing network is proposed in this paper. A mode …

Study of H-Band High-Order Overmoded Power Couplers for Sheet Electron Beam Devices

G Shu, C Ruan, W He - IEEE Transactions on Microwave …, 2020 -
The design of H-band (220-325 GHz) high-order overmoded power couplers for sheet
electron beam (SEB) devices is presented in this article. The proposed power coupler was …

Wideband Circular TE21 and TE01 Mode Converters With Same Exciting Topologies

Y Wang, L Wang, G Liu, G Shu, K Dong… - … on Electron Devices, 2016 -
To accurately measure the performance of dielectric loaded circuits for gyrotron traveling
wave tubes, a novel topological structure to generate the TE 21 O or TE 01 O (superscript …

Design and Measurement of Terahertz-Band Rectangular TE10 to Circular TEn1/TE0p/TE1q Mode Converters

G Shu, J He, J Liao, J Ren, H Mai, J Lin… - IEEE Transactions …, 2022 -
A novel methodology to perform mode conversion from rectangular fundamental TE 10
mode to circular TE (= 2, 3,)/TE (= 1, 2,)/TE= 2, 3,) modes with similar topologies is presented …

Design and Microwave Measurement of a Novel Compact TE /TE -Mode Converter

G Liu, Y Wang, Y Pu, Y Luo - IEEE Transactions on Microwave …, 2016 -
A novel method to generate a TE 0n (C)(n= 1, 2, 3)(C is circular for short) or TE 1n'(C)(n'= 2,
3, 4) mode via a TE m0 (R)(m= 2n or m= 2n'-1)(R is rectangular for short) mode generator is …

Design and Measurement of a Terahertz Band Rectangular TE20 Mode Power Coupling Structure for High-Order Overmoded Multiple Sheet Electron Beam Devices

G Shu, J Deng, Z Huang, L Chen, J Lin… - IEEE Electron …, 2020 -
A novel methodology of the power coupling from rectangular TE 10 mode to TE 20 mode for
high-order overmoded multiple sheet electron beam devices is presented in this letter. The …

Design and measurement of a mode-suppression circuit for a G-band gyrotron traveling wave tube

Y Cao, Y Ma, G Liu, Y Wang, W Jiang… - IEEE Transactions …, 2023 -
In the hot test of our G-band (0.21–0.23 THz) TE 01-mode gyrotron traveling wave tube (gyro-
TWT), the beam current was increased from 3.0 to 3.9 A to obtain a higher gain and output …

Fivefold Helically Corrugated Waveguide for High-Power W-Band Gyro-Devices and Pulse Compression

CR Donaldson, L Zhang, P Hiscock… - … on Electron Devices, 2021 -
The design, simulation, manufacture, and measurement of a-band fivefold (5F) helically
corrugated waveguide (HCW) is reported. The 5F HCW is based on the coupling of the …

A TE13 Mode Converter for High-Order Mode Gyrotron-Traveling-Wave Tubes

G Liu, R Yan, Y Luo, S Wang - IEEE Transactions on Electron …, 2015 -
A methodology to generate a circular TE 13 mode for the operation of high-order mode
(HOM) gyrotron-traveling-wave tubes is presented in this paper. A rectangular TE 10 mode …