[HTML][HTML] Understanding memorable tourism experiences and behavioural intentions of heritage tourists

SM Rasoolimanesh, S Seyfi, CM Hall… - Journal of Destination …, 2021 - Elsevier
This study aims to investigate the interplay of visitor engagement, authenticity, and
destination image in driving revisit and electronic word of mouth (eWOM) intentions of …

Investigating the mediating role of visitor satisfaction in the relationship between memorable tourism experiences and behavioral intentions in heritage tourism context

SM Rasoolimanesh, S Seyfi, RA Rather, CM Hall - Tourism Review, 2022 - emerald.com
Purpose This paper aims to investigate the interplay of memorable tourism experiences
(MTE) dimensions in driving behavioral intentions of heritage tourists through the mediating …


闵庆文, 张碧天 - 农学学报, 2018 - nxxb.caass.org.cn
为应对全球农业环境问题, 粮食安全和农业可持续发展危机, 2002 年联合国粮农组织联合有关
国际组织和国家发起了全球重要农业文化遗产(GIAHS) 保护倡议. 2005 年 …

A user experience perspective on heritage tourism in the metaverse: Empirical evidence and design dilemmas for VR

J Baker, K Nam, CS Dutt - Information Technology & Tourism, 2023 - Springer
The tourism industry will be shaped by the growth and development of the metaverse in the
coming decades. Virtual reality (VR) will enable the creation of virtual worlds, avatars, digital …

The core of heritage tourism

Y Poria, R Butler, D Airey - Annals of tourism research, 2003 - Elsevier
The paper challenges the idea that heritage tourism is simply represented by tourists at
heritage attractions and suggests rather that perceptions more properly lie at its core …

Tourism destination image: Conceptual problems and definitional solutions

K Lai, X Li - Journal of Travel Research, 2016 - journals.sagepub.com
Although tourism destination image (TDI) has been extensively studied, the nature and
scope of TDI remain vague. This study aims to address this conceptual problem from a …

Links between tourists, heritage, and reasons for visiting heritage sites

Y Poria, R Butler, D Airey - Journal of Travel Research, 2004 - journals.sagepub.com
This article clarifies heritage tourism by identifying and segmenting reasons for visiting
heritage sites. In doing so, it shows that the links between a site's attributes and the tourists …

The convergence process in heritage tourism

A Apostolakis - Annals of tourism research, 2003 - Elsevier
The theoretical background behind heritage tourism is conventionally categorized in terms
of two stages: the demand and supply side approaches. This has resulted in a fragmented …

Coğrafya, kültür ve turizm: kültürel turizm

G Emekli - Ege coğrafya dergisi, 2006 - dergipark.org.tr
İnsan ve mekân ilişkilerini çeşitli boyutlarda ele alan, sentez yapan, ilişkiler kuran coğrafya,
kültür ve turizm ile yakından ilişkilidir. Doğal çevrenin farklılığı kültüre yansımakta, kültür hem …

[图书][B] Sustainable marketing of cultural and heritage tourism

D Chhabra - 2010 - taylorfrancis.com
Cultural attractions play an important role in tourism at all levels, and attract huge numbers
of tourists interested in heritage and the arts. Cultural Heritage Tourism has positive …