Good practice for enhancing the engagement and success of commencing students

KJ Nelson, C Quinn, A Marrington, JA Clarke - Higher Education, 2012 - Springer
There is widespread recognition that higher education institutions (HEIs) must actively
support commencing students to ensure equity in access to the opportunities afforded by …

The first year experience: Looking back to inform the future

K Nelson, J Clarke - Higher Education Research and …, 2014 -
The importance of the first year experience (FYE) to success at university has been a focus
of attention in the Australian higher education sector since the 1990s. For students a …

Intra-university partnerships improve student success in a first-year success and retention outreach initiative

S Cox, R Naylor - Student Success, 2018 -
La Trobe University faces multiple challenges in responding to attrition and providing a
positive student experience among an increasingly diverse first-year cohort. As in many …

Student success at university: Using early profiling and interventions to support learning

K Purnell, R Mccarthy, M Mcleod - 2010 -
Two processes were trialled at an Australian regional university to support first year student
success in their studies. Upon enrolment, students 'at risk'of failing are identified through …

Failure as opportunity-reflection and retention: Approaches to supporting first year university students experiencing early assessment failure

L Chandler, A Potter - International Journal of Learning, 2012 -
For many first year students, adopting the independent learning behaviours necessary for
success in tertiary education can be a challenging experience. An unclear understanding of …

[PDF][PDF] " It might have worked for you but..." Evaluating the efficacy of a first year support strategy in multiple units and disciplines.

A Potter, LA Bye - International Journal of the First Year in …, 2014 -
This paper describes how a successful pilot project for a first-year support strategy designed
to help at risk students develop self-management and problem-solving capabilities was …

“Your brain just freaks out!”–Understanding VET articulants' transition experience using Bourdieu's notions of habitus and field

P Delly - Journal of Academic Language and Learning, 2016 -
In the broadening of pathways from the Vocational Education and Training (VET) sector to
the higher education (HE) sector, a critical intersection has occurred between the transition …

[PDF][PDF] Social justice and equity issue in the higher education context

K Nelson, T Creagh, J Clarke - … for Learning and …, 2012 -
This Annotated Bibliography presents a summary of the literature accessed as part of the
development of a literature analysis and synopsis for the Office for Learning and Teaching …

Personalising the student first year experience–an evaluation of a Staff Student Buddy System

N Fewster-Young, PA Corcoran - Journal of University Teaching & …, 2023 -
A student's transition into higher education or a new learning environment can set the
foundation for the remainder of their study, both in perception and academic ability …

Good practice for safeguarding student learning engagement in higher education institutions: Final Report 2012

K Nelson, T Creagh - 2012 -
The project'Good practice for safeguarding student learning engagement in higher
education institutions' commenced in late 2010 as a Competitive Grant with funding …