[PDF][PDF] 基于极大似然准则和最大期望算法的自适应UKF 算法

王璐, 李光春, 乔相伟, 王兆龙, 马涛 - 自动化学报, 2012 - aas.net.cn
摘要针对噪声先验统计特性未知情况下的非线性系统状态估计问题, 提出了基于极大似然准则和
最大期望算法的自适应无迹卡尔曼滤波(Unscented Kalman filter, UKF) 算法 …

Simulation of the p-generalized Gaussian distribution

S Kalke, WD Richter - Journal of Statistical Computation and …, 2013 - Taylor & Francis
In this paper, we introduce the p-generalized polar methods for the simulation of the p-
generalized Gaussian distribution. On the basis of geometric measure representations, the …

A robust electrode configuration for bioimpedance measurement of respiration

H Wang, C Yen, J Liang, Q Wang… - Journal of healthcare …, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
Electrode configuration is an important issue in the continuous measurement of respiration
using impedance pneumography (IP). The robust configuration is usually confirmed by …

On (p1,…,pk)-spherical distributions

WD Richter - Journal of Statistical Distributions and Applications, 2019 - Springer
Abstract The class of (p 1,…, pk)-spherical probability laws and a method of simulating
random vectors following such distributions are introduced using a new stochastic vector …

Estimating parameters of linear regression with an exponential power distribution of errors by using a polynomial maximization method

S Zabolotnii, V Khotunov, A Chepynoha… - … -European Journal of …, 2021 - papers.ssrn.com
This paper considers the application of a method for maximizing polynomials in order to find
estimates of the parameters of a multifactorial linear regression provided the random errors …

[HTML][HTML] Family of Subbotin Distributions and its Classification

A Krasilnikov - Elektronnoe modelirovanie, 2019 - emodel.org.ua
The properties of the probability density, its parameters, the central moments, and the
cumulantThe properties of the probability density, its parameters, the central moments, and …

Statistical reasoning in dependent p-generalized elliptically contoured distributions and beyond: Testing scaling parameters, the role semi-inner products play, and …

WD Richter - Journal of Statistical Distributions and Applications, 2017 - Springer
First, likelihood ratio statistics for checking the hypothesis of equal variances of two-
dimensional Gaussian vectors are derived both under the standard σ 1 2, σ 2 2, ϱ …

Exact distributions of order statistics from ln,p-symmetric sample distributions

K Müller, WD Richter - Dependence Modeling, 2017 - degruyter.com
We derive the exact distributions of order statistics from a finite number of, in general,
dependent random variables following a joint ln, p-symmetric distribution. To this end, we …

[HTML][HTML] Сomparative Analysis of Polynomial Maximization and Maximum Likelihood Estimates for Data with Exponential Power Distribution

SV Zabolotnii, AV Chepynoha, AM Chorniy… - Вісник …, 2020 - cyberleninka.ru
Работа посвящена сравнительному анализу точности оценок параметров
экспериментальных данных с экспоненциальным степенным распределением (ЭСР) …

A respiratory mechanical parameters estimation technology based on extended least squares

Y Shi, J Niu, M Cai, W Xu - Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and …, 2016 - World Scientific
Respiratory mechanical parameters of ventilated patients are usually referred in the
respiratory diagnosis and treatment. However, the effectiveness of the modern estimation …