Behavioral and experimental macroeconomics and policy analysis: A complex systems approach
C Hommes - Journal of Economic Literature, 2021 -
This survey discusses behavioral and experimental macroeconomics, emphasizing a
complex systems perspective. The economy consists of boundedly rational heterogeneous …
complex systems perspective. The economy consists of boundedly rational heterogeneous …
Expectation formation in finance and macroeconomics: A review of new experimental evidence
This paper reviews the recent development and new findings of the literature on learning-to-
forecast experiments (LtFEs). In general, the stylized finding in the typical LtFEs, namely the …
forecast experiments (LtFEs). In general, the stylized finding in the typical LtFEs, namely the …
Heterogeneous agent modeling: experimental evidence
J Arifovic, J Duffy - Handbook of computational economics, 2018 - Elsevier
We report on experimental evidence rationalizing the use of heterogeneous agent models.
We provide compelling evidence that subjects in laboratory experiments often behave in …
We provide compelling evidence that subjects in laboratory experiments often behave in …
Мезоуровень и иерархическая структура экономики
ВИ Маевский - Journal of Institutional Studies (Журнал …, 2018 -
Обосновывается тезис, что любая рыночная экономика, с одной стороны, обладает
системой горизонтальных связей между экономическими агентами и способна к …
системой горизонтальных связей между экономическими агентами и способна к …
Estimation of heuristic switching in behavioral macroeconomic models
J Kukacka, S Sacht - Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 2023 - Elsevier
This paper addresses the issue of empirical validation of macroeconomic models with
behavioral heuristics and a nonlinear switching mechanism. Heuristic switching is an …
behavioral heuristics and a nonlinear switching mechanism. Heuristic switching is an …
Towards Golden rule of capital accumulation: a genetic algorithm approach
The current study deals with maximizing consumption per worker in connection with the
economic growth of society. The traditional Solow model based approach is well-studied …
economic growth of society. The traditional Solow model based approach is well-studied …
Price level versus inflation targeting under heterogeneous expectations: a laboratory experiment
C Hommes, T Makarewicz - Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 2021 - Elsevier
Since the 2007 crisis, macroeconomists have been interested in monetary policies that
could help with stabilizing inflation and output (Honkapohja, 2015). Two ideas gained …
could help with stabilizing inflation and output (Honkapohja, 2015). Two ideas gained …
The impact of credit market sentiment shocks
This paper investigates the role of credit market sentiment and investor beliefs in credit cycle
dynamics and their transmission to businesscycle fluctuations. Using US data from 1968 to …
dynamics and their transmission to businesscycle fluctuations. Using US data from 1968 to …
[图书][B] Теория воспроизводства капитала и не-нейтральность денег
ВИ Маевский, СЮ Малков, АА Рубинштейн… - 2020 -
Настоящая монография, если на нее смотреть со стороны макроэкономической
политики, посвящена одной из актуальных тем сегодняшнего дня: выявлению …
политики, посвящена одной из актуальных тем сегодняшнего дня: выявлению …
The impact of credit market sentiment shocks-a TVAR approach
This paper investigates the role of credit market sentiments and investor beliefs on credit
cycle dynamics and their propagation to business cycle fluctuations. Using US data from …
cycle dynamics and their propagation to business cycle fluctuations. Using US data from …