Pseudo-Jahn–Teller Effect A Two-State Paradigm in Formation, Deformation, and Transformation of Molecular Systems and Solids
IB Bersuker - Chemical Reviews, 2013 - ACS Publications
The pseudo-Jahn− Teller effect is the only source of instability and distortions of high-
symmetry configurations of polyatomic systems in nondegenerate states, and it contributes …
symmetry configurations of polyatomic systems in nondegenerate states, and it contributes …
Configurational instability at the excited impurity ions in alkaline earth fluorites
AV Egranov, TY Sizova - Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 2013 - Elsevier
The formation of intrinsic defects by ionizing radiation in some ionic crystals in the anion
sublattice is only associated with the instability of the self-trapped exciton up to now. In this …
sublattice is only associated with the instability of the self-trapped exciton up to now. In this …
Off-centre motion in doped cubic oxides: A general view on the instability
The existence of an off-centre distortion for impurities in cubic oxides is explored by Density
Functional Theory calculations. We find that models based on ionic radii are inadequate to …
Functional Theory calculations. We find that models based on ionic radii are inadequate to …
An investigation on the temperature dependent zero-field splitting (ZFS) of Mn2+ doped Cs2NaLaCl6
M Açıkgöz - Optical Materials, 2015 - Elsevier
The temperature dependent zero-field splitting parameters (ZFSPs) for Mn 2+ doped Cs 2
NaLaCl 6 are analyzed theoretically. Assuming two different structural distortions models we …
NaLaCl 6 are analyzed theoretically. Assuming two different structural distortions models we …
[PDF][PDF] Являются ли фотохромные центры в щелочноземельных фторидах аналогами DX центров в полупроводниках?
Недавно было показано, что в широкозонных материалах перестройка ближайшего
окружения или смещение примесного иона связаны с неустойчивостью некоторых …
окружения или смещение примесного иона связаны с неустойчивостью некоторых …