Three Lenses on Occupations and Professions in Organizations: Becoming, Doing, and Relating

M Anteby, CK Chan, J DiBenigno - Academy of Management …, 2016 -
Management and organizational scholarship is overdue for a reappraisal of occupations
and professions as well as a critical review of past and current work on the topic. Indeed, the …

A review of theories of professions, organizations and society: The case for neo-Weberianism, neo-institutionalism and eclecticism

M Saks - Journal of Professions and Organization, 2016 -
The main social scientific theories on professions and their links to organizations and the
wider society are critically reviewed in this article. In so doing, it makes the case for a neo …

Hybrid professionalism and beyond:(New) Forms of public professionalism in changing organizational and societal contexts

M Noordegraaf - Journal of professions and organization, 2015 -
It is tempting to stick to traditional,'pure'images of professionalism—as the protected
treatment of complex cases—and to resist 'alien'intrusions, especially managerial …

How professionals adapt to artificial intelligence: the role of intertwined boundary work

J Faulconbridge, A Sarwar… - Journal of Management …, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) has generated extensive debates about the future of
work in the professions. However, few studies take account of the potential for AI's disruptive …

Maintaining the values of a profession: Institutional work and moral emotions in the emergency department

AL Wright, RF Zammuto, PW Liesch - Academy of Management …, 2017 -
Specialization within professions creates challenges for maintaining the macro-level values
of the profession in the everyday work of specialists at the micro level inside organizations …

Scripting professional identities: How individuals make sense of contradictory institutional logics

F Bévort, R Suddaby - Journal of Professions and Organization, 2016 -
This article examines how individual accountants subjectively interpret competing logics of
professionalism as they transform from practicing accountants to managerial roles and as …

Illusio and overwork: Playing the game in the accounting field

I Lupu, L Empson - Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, 2015 -
Purpose–The purpose of this paper is to understand: how and why do experienced
professionals, who perceive themselves as autonomous, comply with organizational …

Re-theorizing the configuration of organizational fields: the IIRC and the pursuit of 'Enlightened'corporate reporting

C Humphrey, B O'Dwyer, J Unerman - Accounting and Business …, 2017 - Taylor & Francis
This paper studies the emergence of the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC)
and its attempts to institutionalize integrated reporting as a practice that is critical to the …

Epistemic arbitrage: Transnational professional knowledge in action

L Seabrooke - Journal of Professions and Organization, 2014 -
This article discusses transnational professional knowledge in action and puts forward a
conception of how professionals play off different forms of knowledge to provide policy …

Institutional theory and HRM: A new look

AC Lewis, RL Cardy, LSR Huang - Human Resource Management Review, 2019 - Elsevier
The context of HRM is important but undertheorized (Paauwe, 2009) and subsequently
underresearched (Jackson, Schuler, & Jiang, 2014). We offer two recent perspectives of …