[图书][B] L'inhibition créatrice
A Berthoz - 2020 - books.google.com
L'inhibition est une des plus importantes découvertes de l'évolution. Elle est présente, avec
sa compagne la désinhibition, à tous les niveaux du vivant–moléculaire, cellulaire, social …
sa compagne la désinhibition, à tous les niveaux du vivant–moléculaire, cellulaire, social …
Mediating role of impulsivity in the contributory roles of upward versus downward counterfactual thinking in youth gambling intention
The proliferation of gambling shops, and the growing gambling prevalence in Nigeria,
youths have constantly engaged in gambling activities even during school period. This has …
youths have constantly engaged in gambling activities even during school period. This has …
Neural substrates of counterfactual emotions after risky decisions in late adolescents and young adults
Adolescents' neural substrates of emotional reactions to the consequences of risky
decisions are poorly understood. In this functional magnetic resonance imaging study, 30 …
decisions are poorly understood. In this functional magnetic resonance imaging study, 30 …
Counterfactual impact evaluation of the support under measure “Procesas LT” in enterprises of the construction sector
L Baroniene, V Zirgutis - Engineering Economics, 2017 - inzeko.ktu.lt
Competitiveness of the State and social welfare are closely related to the value added
created and effective use of factors of production. Organisations that have achieved higher …
created and effective use of factors of production. Organisations that have achieved higher …
[PDF][PDF] Sprendimo priėmimas kontroliuojamos intervencijos sąlygomis
L Baronienė - 2018 - vdu.lt
Empirinis tyrimas–socialinių faktų, įvykių, būdingai pasireiškiančių tiriamuosiuose
reiškiniuose, objektuose, procesuose, nustatymas ir apibendrinimas tiesioginiu arba tarpiniu …
reiškiniuose, objektuose, procesuose, nustatymas ir apibendrinimas tiesioginiu arba tarpiniu …
Regulación cognitiva y emocional en la toma de decisiones y dimensiones afectivas en personas con dependencia y sin dependencia a las drogas.
KG Pérez Lalama - 2021 - repositorio.udec.cl
Los individuos con dependencia a las drogas frecuentemente muestran signos de deterioro
de procesamiento de la emoción, de la autorregulación y de la toma de decisiones, incluso …
de procesamiento de la emoción, de la autorregulación y de la toma de decisiones, incluso …
Evaluación del programa de intervención para adolescentes
C García Poole - 2019 - riull.ull.es
The community is an important context in the lives of our adolescents and can be of great
value for those that are living under psychosocial risk conditions. The main objective of this …
value for those that are living under psychosocial risk conditions. The main objective of this …
Evaluación del programa de intervención para adolescentes" construyendo mi futuro"
CG Poole - PQDT-Global, 2019 - search.proquest.com
The community is an important context in the lives of our adolescents and can be of great
value for those that are living under psychosocial risk conditions. The main objective of this …
value for those that are living under psychosocial risk conditions. The main objective of this …