[引用][C] Constructionalization and constructional changes

EC Traugott - 2013 - books.google.com
Elizabeth Closs Traugott and Graeme Trousdale develop an approach to language change
based on construction grammar. Construction grammar is a theory of signs construed at the …

[图书][B] Syntactic reconstruction and proto-germanic

G Walkden - 2014 - books.google.com
This book offers reconstructions of various syntactic properties of Proto-Germanic, including
verb position in main clauses, the syntax of the wh-system, and the (non-) occurrence of null …

Diachronic Construction Grammar: Epistemological context, basic assumptions and historical implications

J Barðdal, S Gildea - Diachronic construction grammar, 2015 - jbe-platform.com
The main goal of this chapter is to discuss the value of the Construction Grammar framework
to solving perceived problems with diachronic syntax. As such, one part of this chapter …

Constructing a protolanguage: reconstructing prehistoric languages in a usage-based construction grammar framework

S Hartmann, M Pleyer - Philosophical Transactions of the …, 2021 - royalsocietypublishing.org
Construction grammar is an approach to language that posits that units and structures in
language can be exhaustively described as pairings between form and meaning. These …

A Reexamination of the Philippine-Type Voice System and its Implications for Austronesian Primary-Level Subgrouping.

Y Chen - 2017 - scholarspace.manoa.hawaii.edu
This dissertation investigates the nature of the Philippine-type voice system and two
associated diachronic questions:(i) what is the nature of noun-verb (nominalizer-voice affix) …

The negative existential cycle revisited

L Veselinova - Linguistics, 2014 - degruyter.com
Based on crosslinguistic data and the postulation of six language types, the Negative
Existential Cycle was proposed by Croft (1991) as a way of modeling the evolution of …

West Scandinavian ditransitives as a family of constructions: With a special attention to the Norwegian “V-REFL-NP'Construction”

J Barðdal, KE Kristoffersen, A Sveen - 2011 - degruyter.com
In this article we show that the semantic characterization of the English ditransitive
construction, primarily based on the concept of transfer and generally assumed in the …

Beyond cognacy: Historical relations between words and their implication for phylogenetic reconstruction

JM List - Journal of Language Evolution, 2016 - academic.oup.com
This article investigates the terminology and the processes underlying the fundamental
historical relations between words in linguistics (cognacy) and genes in biology (homology) …

Reconstructing constructional semantics: The dative subject construction in old norse-icelandic, latin, ancient greek, old russian and old lithuanian

J Barðdal, T Smitherman, V Bjarnadóttir… - Studies in Language …, 2012 - jbe-platform.com
As the historical linguistic community is well aware, reconstructing semantics is a notoriously
difficult undertaking. Such reconstruction has so far mostly been carried out on lexical items …

Construction-based historical-comparative reconstruction

J Barðdal - 2013 - academic.oup.com
This chapter examines the application of the constructional approach to syntactic
reconstruction. It argues that a constructional approach to language is an optimal theoretical …