Genetic Evidence for a Mixed Composition of the Genus Myoxocephalus (Cottoidei: Cottidae) Necessitates Generic Realignment

ES Balakirev, AY Kravchenko, AA Semenchenko - Genes, 2020 -
Sculpin fishes belonging to the family Cottidae represent a large and complex group,
inhabiting a wide range of freshwater, brackish-water, and marine environments. Numerous …

Freeze tolerance in sculpins (pisces; cottoidea) inhabiting north pacific and arctic oceans: Antifreeze activity and gene sequences of the antifreeze protein

A Yamazaki, Y Nishimiya, S Tsuda, K Togashi… - Biomolecules, 2019 -
Many marine species inhabiting icy seawater produce antifreeze proteins (AFPs) to prevent
their body fluids from freezing. The sculpin species of the superfamily Cottoidea are widely …

[HTML][HTML] 冷冻保护剂对克氏原螯虾品质的影响研究

陶齐林, 王鑫, 刘飞, 陈梦交, 王宁, 李嘉诚… - Hans Journal of Food …, 2024 -
克氏原螯虾是我国重要的淡水水产资源, 其水分和蛋白质含量高, 因此极易受微生物感染而腐烂
变质, 严重影响其品质. 冷冻技术是一项传统的保鲜技术, 但冷冻会对克氏原螯虾品质造成不可 …

Tracing The Origin Of A Lectin-like Antifreeze Protein

E Lind - 2022 -
Type II antifreeze proteins (AFPs) are C-type lectin homologs found in three lineages of
teleost fish (Cottidae, Clupeiformes and Osmeriformes). Previous work demonstrated that …

Exploring population connectivity and adaptation in two deep sea fishes, Molva molva and Molva dypterygia

L McGill - 2020 -
The deep sea is typically seen as a stable and constant environment. However, in recent
years we are seeing increasing fragility caused by unprecedented human exploitation. Many …