Electrical injection and detection of spin-polarized currents in topological insulator Bi2Te2Se
Topological insulators (TIs) are an unusual phase of quantum matter with nontrivial spin-
momentum-locked topological surface states (TSS). The electrical detection of spin …
momentum-locked topological surface states (TSS). The electrical detection of spin …
Observation of current-induced, long-lived persistent spin polarization in a topological insulator: A rechargeable spin battery
Topological insulators (TIs), with their helically spin-momentum–locked topological surface
states (TSSs), are considered promising for spintronics applications. Several recent …
states (TSSs), are considered promising for spintronics applications. Several recent …
Large enhancement of thermal conductivity and Lorenz number in topological insulator thin films
Topological insulators (TI) have attracted extensive research effort due to their insulating
bulk states but conducting surface states. However, investigation and understanding of …
bulk states but conducting surface states. However, investigation and understanding of …
Detection of the spin-chemical potential in topological insulators using spin-polarized four-probe STM
We demonstrate a new method for the detection of the spin-chemical potential in topological
insulators using spin-polarized four-probe scanning tunneling microscopy on in situ cleaved …
insulators using spin-polarized four-probe scanning tunneling microscopy on in situ cleaved …
Differentiation of surface and bulk conductivities in topological insulators via four-probe spectroscopy
We show a new method to differentiate conductivities from the surface states and the
coexisting bulk states in topological insulators using a four-probe transport spectroscopy in a …
coexisting bulk states in topological insulators using a four-probe transport spectroscopy in a …
Trigger of the ubiquitous surface band bending in 3D topological insulators
The main scientific activity in the field of topological insulators (TIs) consists of determining
their electronic structure by means of magnetotransport and electron spectroscopy with a …
their electronic structure by means of magnetotransport and electron spectroscopy with a …
Modeling of magneto-conductivity of bismuth selenide: a topological insulator
We report the magneto-conductivity analysis of Bi 2 Se 3 single crystal at different
temperatures in a magnetic field range of±14 T. The single crystals are grown by the self-flux …
temperatures in a magnetic field range of±14 T. The single crystals are grown by the self-flux …
Near-Field Imaging of Surface Plasmons from the Bulk and Surface State of Topological Insulator Bi2Te2Se
Surface plasmons are collective oscillations of electrons that can enable confinement of
electromagnetic energy to subwavelength scales. Recent progress in plasmonics has …
electromagnetic energy to subwavelength scales. Recent progress in plasmonics has …
Experimental evidence and control of the bulk-mediated intersurface coupling in topological insulator nanoribbons
We present evidence for the existence and control of bulk-surface coupling in Bi 2 Te 2 Se
nanoribbons. Our magnetoresistance measurements reveal that the number of coherent …
nanoribbons. Our magnetoresistance measurements reveal that the number of coherent …
Topological delocalization and tuning of surface channel separation in Bi2Se2Te Topological Insulator Thin films
The surface states of a 3D topological insulator (TI) exhibit topological protection against
backscattering. However, the contribution of bulk electrons to the transport data is an …
backscattering. However, the contribution of bulk electrons to the transport data is an …