Strengthening Religious Moderation Through the Core Values of Islamic Boarding School Education

M Huda - Al-Hayat: Journal of Islamic Education, 2024 -
This research explores how the core values embedded in Islamic boarding school education
contribute to developing a moderate and inclusive form of Islam. This study will focus on the …

A Learning Model of Religious Moderation: Learning from Islamic Schools

AA Zafi, P Partono, TN Kamil - Cendekia: Jurnal …, 2023 -
This study aims to describe the method and evaluation of internalizing religious moderation
at school. This research was qualitative and conducted at a senior high school in Purworejo …

Manifestation of Integrated-Andragogic Islamic Education Based on Kitab Kuning in Indonesian Pesantren

S Sufirmansyah - Cendekia: Jurnal Kependidikan dan …, 2023 -
This article explores integrative-andragogic Islamic education based on the kitab kuning at
Ma'had Aly Lirboyo Kediri. This study used a case study qualitative method. Data were …

Living Harmoniously In Diversity Exploring The Religious Harmony In Fiqh Ibadah Of Tengger Ethnic: A Case Study

IF Anggarini, M Husni - Edukasi Islami …, 2023 -
Religious harmony is one of the most important issues in religious life. This research aimed
to overview the religious harmony of Fiqh Ibadah in minority areas with the uniqueness of …

Actualization of the Moderation Library as Cultural Literacy Based on Digital Literacy in Islamic Senior High School

RF Mawidha, S Rodliyah… - Scaffolding: Jurnal …, 2023 -
The purpose of this study was to determine the actualization of the moderation library as a
form of cultural literacy at MAN 2 Banyuwnagi. The research methodology uses a qualitative …

Building on Academic Culture of Campus: Comparison of Individual Behavior of Ma'had Students and Boarding Houses of IAIN Lhokseumawe

M Jannah, M Firdaus - Development: Studies in …, 2022 -
This study aims to find out and analyze how to build an academic culture outside the
campus, namely at the Ma'had Jami'ah College of Institut Agama Islam Negeri …

Academic Culture and Students' Scientific Attitudes In Improving The Quality of Higher Education: Research at the Indonesian Institute of Education and Garut …

DM Jalaludin, M Syah, A Nursobah… - Jurnal Impresi …, 2024 -
Building an academic culture is not an easy thing to do, it requires socialization and
supervision of all ongoing academic activities, so that a habit is built among the academic …

Madrasah as Habitus for Increasing Tolerance in Multi-Religious Society

A Salim, M Mukhibat, A Hayani… - Cendekia: Jurnal …, 2023 -
Tolerance is essential in harmonizing people's lives, especially in a multi-religious society.
As a legal institution, madrasah is essential in instilling a tolerant attitude that students can …