Evaluasi Perbandingan Sistem Rantai Dingin Penyimpanan Vaksin
ME Dewi, I Iswandi - Journal Syifa Sciences and Clinical …, 2022 - ejurnal.ung.ac.id
Vaccines are preparations of biological products that contain antigens or contain
components of microorganisms that have been attenuated from genetic engineering …
components of microorganisms that have been attenuated from genetic engineering …
Gambaran Pengelolaan Vaksin di Puskesmas
Z Zulhaswita, N Afriyanti, S Merwanta… - Jurnal …, 2023 - journal2.stikeskendal.ac.id
Dalam melakukan kegiatan Imunisasi sering ditemukan masalah terkait vaksin seperti
vaksin rusak/kedaluwarsa atau vaksin palsu. Masalah ini hanya dapat diatasi jika petugas …
vaksin rusak/kedaluwarsa atau vaksin palsu. Masalah ini hanya dapat diatasi jika petugas …
Evaluasi Penyimpanan Vaksin COVID-19 di Rumah Sakit Daerah Madani Kota Pekanbaru
S Sari, T Fradilah - Jurnal Penelitian Farmasi Indonesia, 2022 - ejournal.stifar-riau.ac.id
Vaccines are biological products that are very fragile and easily damaged, so they require
special handling in their management. RSD Madani is responsible for vaccine storage …
special handling in their management. RSD Madani is responsible for vaccine storage …
Kajian Penyimpanan Obat-Obat Khusus di Fasilitas Kesehatan di Kabupaten X Tahun 2022: Study of Storage of Special Medicines in Health Facilities in District X in …
N Dyahariesti, R Yuswantina, A Wibowo… - Journal of Holistics …, 2023 - e-abdimas.unw.ac.id
Storage is one of a series of drug cycle management that needs attention, because it greatly
affects the quality of these preparations before being handed over to patients, especially for …
affects the quality of these preparations before being handed over to patients, especially for …
Profil Penyimpanan Vaksin Imunisasi Dasar Lengkap di Puskesmas Terdampak Gempa Bumi Lombok
Bencana alam gempa bumi yang melanda Pulau Lombok pada Agustus 2018
mengakibatkan kerusakan berat dan kerusakan sedang pada puskesmas Se-Kabupaten …
mengakibatkan kerusakan berat dan kerusakan sedang pada puskesmas Se-Kabupaten …
Evaluation of Vaccine Distribution and Storage in Several Health Departments in East Kalimantan: Evaluasi Distribusi dan Penyimpanan Vaksin di Beberapa Dinas …
N Habibah, R Sulistiarini… - … Journal of Pharmacy …, 2024 - ejournal.akfarsurabaya.ac.id
Vaccines are biological products, containing antigens in the form of killed and weakened
microorganisms that are useful for stimulating immunity. Vaccines are very susceptible to …
microorganisms that are useful for stimulating immunity. Vaccines are very susceptible to …
R Ruliyandari, AA Mudayana, K Lestari… - International Journal …, 2023 - ijomral.esc-id.org
One of the stages in managing the logistics of drugs is storage. Drug storage is an activity
that involves storing and maintaining drugs with the goals of preserving drug quality …
that involves storing and maintaining drugs with the goals of preserving drug quality …
[引用][C] Kesesuaian Penyimpanan Dan Pendistribusian Vaksin Di Instalasi Farmasi Kabupaten Tanah Bumbu Periode Maret-April Tahun 2019
H Herti Benarty AB - 2019 - Akademi Farmasi ISFI Banjarmasin