Advanced bioactive nanomaterials for biomedical applications

Y Zhao, Z Zhang, Z Pan, Y Liu - Exploration, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Bioactive materials are a kind of materials with unique bioactivities, which can change the
cellular behaviors and elicit biological responses from living tissues. Bioactive materials …

Nanotechnology for COVID-19: therapeutics and vaccine research

G Chauhan, MJ Madou, S Kalra, V Chopra, D Ghosh… - ACS …, 2020 - ACS Publications
The current global health threat by the novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) requires
an urgent deployment of advanced therapeutic options available. The role of …

Size-tunable strategies for a tumor targeted drug delivery system

W Yu, R Liu, Y Zhou, H Gao - ACS central science, 2020 - ACS Publications
Nanoparticles have been widely used in tumor targeted drug delivery, while the antitumor
effects are not always satisfactory due to the limited penetration and retention. As we all …

Nanoparticle uptake: the phagocyte problem

HH Gustafson, D Holt-Casper, DW Grainger… - Nano today, 2015 - Elsevier
Phagocytes are key cellular participants determining important aspects of host exposure to
nanomaterials, initiating clearance, biodistribution and the tenuous balance between host …

Complement proteins bind to nanoparticle protein corona and undergo dynamic exchange in vivo

F Chen, G Wang, JI Griffin, B Brenneman… - Nature …, 2017 -
When nanoparticles are intravenously injected into the body, complement proteins deposit
on the surface of nanoparticles in a process called opsonization. These proteins prime the …

Synthetic nanoparticles for vaccines and immunotherapy

DJ Irvine, MC Hanson, K Rakhra, T Tokatlian - Chemical reviews, 2015 - ACS Publications
The immune system plays a critical role in our health. No other component of human
physiology plays a decisive role in as diverse an array of maladies, from deadly diseases …

Biomaterials and emerging anticancer therapeutics: engineering the microenvironment

L Gu, DJ Mooney - Nature Reviews Cancer, 2016 -
The microenvironment is increasingly recognized to have key roles in cancer, and
biomaterials provide a means to engineer microenvironments both in vitro and in vivo to …

Engineering synthetic vaccines using cues from natural immunity

DJ Irvine, MA Swartz, GL Szeto - Nature materials, 2013 -
Vaccines aim to protect against or treat diseases through manipulation of the immune
response, promoting either immunity or tolerance. In the former case, vaccines generate …

Cancer nanotheranostics: improving imaging and therapy by targeted delivery across biological barriers

FM Kievit, M Zhang - Advanced materials, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
Cancer nanotheranostics aims to combine imaging and therapy of cancer through use of
nanotechnology. The ability to engineer nanomaterials to interact with cancer cells at the …

Targeted and controlled anticancer drug delivery and release with magnetoelectric nanoparticles

A Rodzinski, R Guduru, P Liang, A Hadjikhani… - Scientific reports, 2016 -
It is a challenge to eradicate tumor cells while sparing normal cells. We used
magnetoelectric nanoparticles (MENs) to control drug delivery and release. The physics is …