Pembuatan dan uji organoleptik eco-enzyme dari kulit buah jeruk
SP Dewi, S Devi, S Ambarwati - Prosiding Seminar Nasional Hukum …, 2022 -
Eco-enzym adalah cairan hasil fermentasi sampah organik yang memiliki berbagai fungsi,
termasuk sebagai pembersih lantai, pembersih sayur dan buah, penangkal serangga serta …
termasuk sebagai pembersih lantai, pembersih sayur dan buah, penangkal serangga serta …
Klasifikasi sampah organik dan non-organik menggunakan convolutional neural network
AI Rasidi, YAH Pasaribu, A Ziqri… - … dan Sistem Informasi, 2022 -
Garbage is a unique problem in Indonesia. From ordinary waste to limited emergency plastic
waste, Indonesia is the second-largest source of plastic waste in the world. Separate …
waste, Indonesia is the second-largest source of plastic waste in the world. Separate …
Implementation of Waste Management Policies by the Main Waste Bank in Realizing the Effectiveness of the Waste Program in the City of Bandung
L Muliawaty, RT Firdausijah, W Achmad - Res Militaris, 2022 -
The Bandung City Government's goal in presenting a trash bank is to teach inhabitants from
the home level on how to dispose waste in an orderly manner, so that the City of Bandung …
the home level on how to dispose waste in an orderly manner, so that the City of Bandung …
Pendampingan pembuatan Sistem Biopori dalam menanggulangi masalah limbah rumah tangga Desa Tebaban
Making Biopore holes is not difficult and does not require special skills but the results and
benefits are much greater. Biopore functions as a water catchment and processing …
benefits are much greater. Biopore functions as a water catchment and processing …
Analisis Partisipasi Masyarakat dalam Pengelolaan Sampah di Kecamatan Tuah Madani Kota Pekanbaru
R Febrianti - 2022 -
Penelitian ini menjeleskan tentang mengenai partisipasi masyrakat dalam pengelolaan
sampah di Kecamatan Tuah Madani Kota Pekanbaru, penelitian ini dilakukan di Kecamatan …
sampah di Kecamatan Tuah Madani Kota Pekanbaru, penelitian ini dilakukan di Kecamatan …
Implementasi Prinsip Good Environmental Governance dalam Pengelolaan Sampah di Indonesia
U Mustaghfiroh, LK Ni'mah, A Sundusiyah… - Bina Hukum …, 2020 -
Pengelolaan sampah yang baik demi kelestarian dan keberlangsungan lingkungan hidup
merupakan salah satu pinsip good environmental governance. Metode penelitian dalam …
merupakan salah satu pinsip good environmental governance. Metode penelitian dalam …
Global Warming Mitigation Innovation Through Household Waste Management Becomes Eco-Enzyme: A Review
IN Muliarta - Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, 2024 -
The dumping of fruit and vegetable waste into landfills contributes to an increase in methane
gas that contributes to global warming. Waste materials in the form of fruits and vegetables …
gas that contributes to global warming. Waste materials in the form of fruits and vegetables …
Maggot Cultivation Business Development Strategy at the Siliwangi Unit Waste Bank
A Gandhy, H Gursida, K Sunarta, R Marota… - Jurnal Ilmiah …, 2024 -
Research on maggot farming business development strategies is still relatively limited. This
research is important because it provides recommendations for business strategies that can …
research is important because it provides recommendations for business strategies that can …
Analisis Kadar Air dan Kadar Abu Briket Lumpur IPAL dan Fly Ash dengan Penambahan Serbuk Gergaji Kayu
MYP Setyono, YS Purnomo - INSOLOGI: Jurnal Sains dan …, 2022 -
WWTP sludge which is the result of industrial wastewater treatment that has the potential for
environmental pollution that must be managed by the industry concerned. utilization of …
environmental pollution that must be managed by the industry concerned. utilization of …
PROSES (Waste Alms Program) As an Alternative Innovation for Household Waste Management
Bengkulu Province annual waste accumulation reaches 38,417.16 tons/year, and the
volume of waste in Bengkulu City is increasing every day. The total waste entering the …
volume of waste in Bengkulu City is increasing every day. The total waste entering the …