Improving genetic classifiers with a boosting algorithm

B Liu, B McKay, HA Abbass - The 2003 Congress on …, 2003 -
We present a boosting genetic algorithm for classification rule discovery. The method is
based on the iterative rule learning approach to genetic classifiers. The boosting mechanism …

Data mining for the management of software development process

JL ÁLVAREZ-MACÍAS, J MATA-VÁZQUEZ… - … Journal of Software …, 2004 - World Scientific
In this paper we present a new method for the application of data mining tools on the
management phase of software development process. Specifically, we describe two tools …

A data mining method to support decision making in software development projects

JL Alvarez, J Mata, JC Riquelme Santos… - ICEIS 2001: 5th …, 2003 -
In this paper, we present a strategy to induce knowledge as support decision making in
Software Development Projects (SDP). The motive of this work is to reduce the great quantity …

[PDF][PDF] A Survey on the Application of Data Mining Techniques for Software Quality Enhancement

AR Visagan, M Sumathi, G Sujatha -
Software Engineering is about the development of quality software. Quality of software is a
multi-faceted concept and software engineering researchers have sought to develop …

Achievement of the behaviour rules of a renewable source of energy (solar arrays+ inverter) using evolutionary algorithms techniques

JL Alvarez, JM Enrique, E Duran… - Proceedings World …, 2004 -
In this paper, we have analyzed the behaviour of a renewable source of energy by means of
analysis of its performance. We have a system of data acquisition to measure variable and to …

Visualization techniques of management rules for software development projects

J Mata, JL Alvarez, JC Riquelme… - … on Quality Software …, 2003 -
The application of data mining techniques to the managing of software development projects
(SDP) is not an uncommon phenomenon, as in any other productive process that generates …

[PDF][PDF] Técnicas de Visualización de Reglas de Gestión para Proyectos de Desarrollo Software

JC Riquelme, I Ramos, JL Alvarez, J Mata… -
La aplicación de técnicas de minería de datos a la gestión de Proyectos de Desarrollo
Software (PDS) no es un fenómeno extraño, como en cualquier otro proceso productivo que …

Gpax: Genetic Parabolic Adaptive Crossover Operator

JL Álvarez, ME Gegúndez, JL Arjona - Intelligent Automation & Soft …, 2012 - Taylor & Francis
In this paper we propose a new crossover operator for real coded evolutionary algorithms
that is based on a parabolic probability density function. This density function depends on …

Visualization techniques of management rules for software development projects

J Mata Vázquez, JL Alvarez Macías… - Quality Software, 2003 …, 2003 -
The application of data mining techniques to the managing of software development projects
(SDP) is not an uncommon phenomenon, as in any other productive process that generates …

[引用][C] Online Manuscript Access

JL Álvarez, M Gegúndez, J Arjona - 2012