The VP-function revisited: a survey of the literature on vote and popularity functions after over 40 years

MS Lewis-Beck, M Stegmaier - Public Choice, 2013 - Springer
Abstract Nannestad and Paldam (Public Choice 79: 213–245, 1994) published herein an
extremely influential review of the literature linking economics and elections, what they …

The end of economic voting? Contingency dilemmas and the limits of democratic accountability

CJ Anderson - Annu. Rev. Polit. Sci., 2007 -
▪ Abstract The predominant normative justification for research on economic voting has been
its essential role in shaping democratic accountability. A systematic examination of this …

[图书][B] Radical left parties in Europe

L March - 2012 -
What has happened to the European radical left after the collapse of the USSR? How has it
reacted, reformed, even revived? This new volume is one of the first to provide an overview …

How lasting is voter gratitude? An analysis of the short‐and long‐term electoral returns to beneficial policy

MM Bechtel, J Hainmueller - American journal of political …, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
Dominant theories of electoral behavior emphasize that voters myopically evaluate policy
performance and that this shortsightedness may obstruct the welfare‐improving effect of …

[图书][B] Sailing the water's edge: The domestic politics of American foreign policy

HV Milner, D Tingley - 2015 -
When engaging with other countries, the US government has a number of different policy
instruments at its disposal, including foreign aid, international trade, and the use of military …

[图书][B] Presidential impeachment and the new political instability in Latin America

A Pérez-Liñán - 2007 -
This book documents the emergence of a new pattern of political instability in Latin America.
Traditional military coups have receded in the region, but elected presidents are still ousted …

[PDF][PDF] Политическая психология

ВВ Козлов, ВВ Новиков, ЕВ Гришин - М.: МАПН, 2010 -
Политическая психология для России новая наука. Только в эпоху перестройки в начале
90-х годов появились работы, посвященные этому раздел социальной психологии …

[图书][B] The politics of competence: Parties, public opinion and voters

J Green, W Jennings - 2017 -
Using decades of public opinion data from the US, UK, Australia, Germany and Canada, and
distinguishing between three concepts-issue ownership, performance and generalised …

Monitoring corruptible politicians

GJ Bobonis, LR Cámara Fuertes… - American Economic …, 2016 -
Does monitoring corrupt activities induce a sustained reduction in corruption? Using
longitudinal data on audits of municipal governments in Puerto Rico, we show corruption is …

What are the political consequences of trust? A test of cultural and institutional theories in Russia

W Mishler, R Rose - Comparative Political Studies, 2005 -
Trust in political institutions and in other people is hypothesized by cultural theories to be
essential for making democracieswork. Trust is equated with diffuse support and linked to …