[图书][B] The economics of imperfect labor markets

T Boeri, J Ours - 2014 - degruyter.com
Most labor economics textbooks pay little attention to actual labor markets, taking as
reference a perfectly competitive market in which losing a job is not a big deal. The …

The impact of training on productivity and wages: firm-level evidence

J Konings, S Vanormelingen - Review of Economics and Statistics, 2015 - direct.mit.edu
This paper uses firm-level panel data of on-the-job training to estimate its impact on
productivity and wages. To this end, we apply and extend the control function approach for …

The provision and effects of company training: A brief review of the literature

R Asplund - 2004 - econstor.eu
This non-technical paper attempts to explore our current state-of-knowledge on the
economic benefits arising from company-provided training. More precisely, it reviews the …

[PDF][PDF] Workplace Training in Europe

A Bassanini - 2005 - academia.edu
This paper reviews the existing evidence on workplace training in Europe in different data
sources-the CVTS, OECD data and the European Community Household Panel. We outline …

Human capital investments and employee performance: An analysis of IT services industry

R Bapna, N Langer, A Mehra, R Gopal… - Management …, 2013 - pubsonline.informs.org
The rapid pace of technological innovation necessitates that information technology (IT)
services firms continually invest in replenishing the skills of their key asset base, the human …

Continuous training in Germany

JS Pischke - Journal of population economics, 2001 - Springer
Using data from the German Socio Economic Panel, I analyze the incidence, financing, and
returns to workplace training in Germany for the years 1986 to 1989. Much of this training …

Market failures and the under-provision of training

G Brunello, M De Paola - Available at SSRN 608944, 2004 - papers.ssrn.com
This paper reviews both the theoretical underpinnings and the empirical evidence in support
of the under-provision of training. While there is little if any evidence in support of …

The return to firm investments in human capital

R Almeida, P Carneiro - Labour economics, 2009 - Elsevier
In this paper we estimate the rate of return to firm investments in human capital in the form of
formal job training. We use a panel of large firms with detailed information on the duration of …

Why do low-educated workers invest less in further training?

D Fouarge, T Schils, A De Grip - Applied Economics, 2013 - Taylor & Francis
Several studies document that low-educated workers participate less often in further training
than high-educated workers. This article investigates two possible explanations: low …

Retaining through training even for older workers

M Picchio, JC Van Ours - Economics of Education Review, 2013 - Elsevier
This paper investigates whether on-the-job training has an effect on the employability of
workers. Using data from the Netherlands we disentangle the true effect of training incidence …