Emf views: A view mechanism for integrating heterogeneous models

H Bruneliere, JG Perez, M Wimmer, J Cabot - Conceptual Modeling: 34th …, 2015 - Springer
Modeling complex systems involves dealing with several heterogeneous and interrelated
models defined using a variety of languages (UML, ER, BPMN, DSLs, etc.). These models …

Flexible views for view-based model-driven development

EJ Burger - Proceedings of the 18th international doctoral …, 2013 - dl.acm.org
Model-driven development processes suffer from growing complexity, which leads to
information spread across heterogeneous metamodels as well as drift and erosion between …

[图书][B] Flexible views for view-based model-driven development

E Burger - 2014 - books.google.com
Modern software development faces the problem of fragmentation of information across
heterogeneous artefacts in different modelling and programming languages. In this …

[图书][B] Automated Coevolution of Source Code and Software Architecture Models

M Langhammer - 2019 - books.google.com
To develop complex software systems, source code and other artefacts, such as
architectural models and behaviour descriptions, are used. Keeping these software …

[PDF][PDF] Model Synchronization with the Role-oriented Single Underlying Model.

C Werner, U Aßmann - MoDELS (Workshops), 2018 - ceur-ws.org
ABSTRACT Models@ runtime (M@ RT) suffer from information fragmentation across
heterogeneous runtime models conforming to several metamodels that are filled with …

A development method for the conceptual design of multi-view modeling tools with an emphasis on consistency requirements

D Bork - 2015 - fis.uni-bamberg.de
The main objective of this thesis is to bridge the gap between modeling method experts on
the one side and tool developers on the other. More precisely, the focus is on the …

A multi-level modeling environment for sum-based software engineering

C Atkinson, R Gerbig, C Tunjic - Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on …, 2013 - dl.acm.org
Single-Underlying-Model (SUM) based software engineering environments are founded on
the principle of dynamically generating all required descriptions and visualizations of …

[PDF][PDF] Consistency Preservation in the Development Process of Automotive So ware

M Mazkatli - 2016 - scholar.archive.org
The development of automotive systems is becoming more and more complex as several
modeling formalisms and languages are used to describe the same system from di erent …

Ensuring Inter-Model Consistency

J Meier - 2024 - oops.uni-oldenburg.de
Increasing size, complexity and heterogeneity of software-intensive systems make it nearly
impossible that single persons develop a whole system. Therefore, different stakeholders …

[HTML][HTML] Metaherramientas MDE para el diseño de entornos de desarrollo de sistemas distribuidos de tiempo real

CC Cuesta - 2016 - dialnet.unirioja.es
El objetivo principal de esta Tesis es el desarrollo de estrategias y soluciones que
incentiven la adopción de la Ingeniería Software Dirigida por Modelos (MDSE) por parte de …