The Dialogue of Multicultural Education and Harmony in Prosperity Based on the Qur'an
This research aims to explore multicultural education dialogue and harmony in diversity
based on the Qur'an. It aims to get anxious answers to various interpretations of the Qur'an …
based on the Qur'an. It aims to get anxious answers to various interpretations of the Qur'an …
Bacaan Kontemporer: Hermeneutika Al-Qur'an Muhammad Syahrur
M Yusuf - Jurnal Diskursus Islam, 2014 -
Artikel ini mendiskusikan konsep metodologi hermeneutika yang diusung Syahrur dalam
memahami Alquran, kecenderungan hermeneutika yang ditawarkan, konsistensi atau …
memahami Alquran, kecenderungan hermeneutika yang ditawarkan, konsistensi atau …
Environmental ethics from perspective of the quran and sunnah
M Yusuf, KN Marjuni - Religia, 2022 -
Environmental ethics is a knowledge of ethics that is based on an ethical approach and
used to respond to various environmental crises caused by human behavior. This article …
used to respond to various environmental crises caused by human behavior. This article …
Multiculturalism Insight Based on Qur'an and its Relevance to Plurality in Indonesia
The article reveals the concept of multiculturalism in the Koran. Multiculturalism is necessary
for dialogue, dialogue patterns, interaction, and cross-faith cooperation. And their …
for dialogue, dialogue patterns, interaction, and cross-faith cooperation. And their …
Reformulating Islamic Epistemology: Solution to The Crisis of Modern Science, Technology and The Impact of Globalization
MY Kasim - Ar-Raniry: International Journal of Islamic Studies, 2021 -
The progress of science, technology, and globalization has had such a huge impact on
human civilization, both positive and negative impacts. This research studies the various …
human civilization, both positive and negative impacts. This research studies the various …
MY BAHAR - 2019 -
viii ABSTRAK MUHAMMAD YUSUF BAHAR 2019. Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Fisika
Berbasis Kajian Alquran Untuk Kelas XI IPA Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 2 Parepare (dibimbing …
Berbasis Kajian Alquran Untuk Kelas XI IPA Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 2 Parepare (dibimbing …
Natural Environment Character Education Based on Islam
Character education oriented toward the environmental care is required in the local, national
and global scales following the environmental crisis and the unbalance of the ecosystem …
and global scales following the environmental crisis and the unbalance of the ecosystem …
H Purwati, H Basri - Jurnal Diskursus Islam, 2022 -
This study is a study of ghalizul Qalb Perspectives of the Qur'an. The subject matter is" What
is the essence of ghalizul qalb perspective of the Qur'an, how does ghalizul qalb of the …
is the essence of ghalizul qalb perspective of the Qur'an, how does ghalizul qalb of the …
Social Construction of The Elite In The Quran (Analysis of Term Al-Mala')
From a sociohistorical-anthropological perspective, the existence of an elite class with a
class of people is known in the Qur'an. This research elaborates the verses of the Qur'an …
class of people is known in the Qur'an. This research elaborates the verses of the Qur'an …
[PDF][PDF] Jihad Dalam Al-Qur'an
M Irsyad - Program Pascasarjana, Universitas Islam Negeri …, 2016 -
Puji syukur penulis panjatkan ke hadirat Allah swt. atas petunjuk dan pertolongan-Nya,
sehingga dapat menyelesaikan tesis ini dengan judul “Jihad Dalam al-Qur'an (Studi atas …
sehingga dapat menyelesaikan tesis ini dengan judul “Jihad Dalam al-Qur'an (Studi atas …