Performance of statistical and machine learning ensembles for daily temperature downscaling

X Li, Z Li, W Huang, P Zhou - Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 2020 - Springer
Temperature changes have widespread impacts on the environment, economy, and
municipal planning. Generating accurate climate prediction at finer spatial resolution …

Development of an artificial neural network based multi-model ensemble to estimate the northeast monsoon rainfall over south peninsular India: an application of …

N Acharya, NA Shrivastava, BK Panigrahi… - Climate dynamics, 2014 - Springer
The south peninsular part of India gets maximum amount of rainfall during the northeast
monsoon (NEM) season [October to November (OND)] which is the primary source of water …

A comparison of three kinds of multimodel ensemble forecast techniques based on the TIGGE data

X Zhi, H Qi, Y Bai, C Lin - Acta Meteorologica Sinica, 2012 - Springer
Based on the ensemble mean outputs of the ensemble forecasts from the ECMWF
(European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts), JMA (Japan Meteorological …

[HTML][HTML] GRAPES 区域集合预报系统模式不确定性的随机扰动技术研究

袁月, 李晓莉, 陈静, 夏宇 - 气象, 2016 -
为进一步描述GRAPES (Global/Regional Assimilation and Prediction System)
区域集合预报系统(GRAPES Mesoscale Ensemble Prediction System, GRAPES_MEPS) …

[PDF][PDF] 多模式降水集合预报的统计降尺度研究

王亚男, 智协飞 - 暴雨灾害, 2012 -
基于全球交互式大集合(TIGGE) 预报资料以及TRMM/3B42RT 合成降雨量资料,
分别对欧洲中期天气预报中心(ECMWF), 日本气象厅(JMA), 美国国家环境预报中心(NCEP) …

Improving short to medium range GEFS precipitation forecast in India

S Saminathan, H Medina, S Mitra, D Tian - Journal of hydrology, 2021 - Elsevier
This study aims to enhance daily precipitation forecasts over the Indian subcontinent
through post-processing the Global Ensemble Forecast System (GEFS) outputs using …

[HTML][HTML] 一种改进的数值预报降水偏差订正方法及应用

孙靖, 程光光, 张小玲 - 应用气象学报, 2015 -
对传统的消除偏差法进行改进, 形成分等级消除偏差法, 并使用混合训练期和60 d
滑动训练期方案分别对2012 年6—8 月ECMWF (European Centre for Medium-Range …

[PDF][PDF] Skill of monthly rainfall forecasts over India using multi‐model ensemble schemes

SC Kar, N Acharya, UC Mohanty… - International Journal of …, 2012 -
Rainfall in the month of July in India is decided by large-scale monsoon pattern in seasonal
to interannual timescales as well as intraseasonal oscillations. India receives maximum …

[HTML][HTML] Use of APHRODITE rain gauge–based precipitation and TRMM 3B43 products for improving Asian monsoon seasonal precipitation forecasts by the …

A Yatagai, TN Krishnamurti, V Kumar… - Journal of …, 2014 -
A multimodel superensemble developed by the Florida State University combines multiple
model forecasts based on their past performance (training phase) to make a consensus …

[HTML][HTML] The skill of ECMWF medium-range forecasts during the year of tropical convection 2008

A Chakraborty - Monthly weather review, 2010 -
The Skill of ECMWF Medium-Range Forecasts during the Year of Tropical Convection 2008 in:
Monthly Weather Review Volume 138 Issue 10 (2010) Jump to Content Jump to Main …