[图书][B] Trace ideals and their applications

B Simon - 2005 - books.google.com
From a review of the first edition: Beautifully written and well organized... indispensable for
those interested in certain areas of mathematical physics... for the expert and beginner alike …

[图书][B] Random operators

M Aizenman, S Warzel - 2015 - books.google.com
This book provides an introduction to the mathematical theory of disorder effects on quantum
spectra and dynamics. Topics covered range from the basic theory of spectra and dynamics …

An invitation to random Schrödinger operators

W Kirsch - arXiv preprint arXiv:0709.3707, 2007 - arxiv.org
This review is an extended version of my mini course at the Etats de la recherche:
Operateurs de Schroedinger aleatoires at the Universite Paris 13 in June 2002, a summer …

Bootstrap Multiscale Analysis and Localization¶ in Random Media

F Germinet, A Klein - Communications in Mathematical Physics, 2001 - Springer
We introduce an enhanced multiscale analysis that yields subexponentially decaying
probabilities for bad events. For quantum and classical waves in random media, we obtain …

Moment analysis for localization in random Schrödinger operators

M Aizenman, A Elgart, S Naboko, JH Schenker… - Inventiones …, 2006 - Springer
We study localization effects of disorder on the spectral and dynamical properties of
Schrödinger operators with random potentials. The new results include exponentially …

Localization bounds for multiparticle systems

M Aizenman, S Warzel - Communications in Mathematical Physics, 2009 - Springer
We consider the spectral and dynamical properties of quantum systems of n particles on the
lattice Z^ d, of arbitrary dimension, with a Hamiltonian which in addition to the kinetic term …

A comprehensive proof of localization for continuous Anderson models with singular random potentials

A Klein, F Germinet - Journal of the European Mathematical Society, 2012 - ems.press
Abstract We study continuous Anderson Hamiltonians with non-degenerate single site
probability distribution of bounded support, without any regularity condition on the single site …

Eigenvector localization for random band matrices with power law band width

J Schenker - Communications in Mathematical Physics, 2009 - Springer
It is shown that certain ensembles of random matrices with entries that vanish outside a
band around the diagonal satisfy a localization condition on the resolvent which guarantees …

Equality of the bulk and edge Hall conductances in a mobility gap

A Elgart, GM Graf, JH Schenker - Communications in mathematical physics, 2005 - Springer
We consider the edge and bulk conductances for 2D quantum Hall systems in which the
Fermi energy falls in a band where bulk states are localized. We show that the resulting …

An introduction to the mathematics of Anderson localization

G Stolz - Entropy and the quantum II. Contemp. Math, 2011 - books.google.com
We give a widely self-contained introduction to the mathematical theory of the Anderson
model. After defining the Anderson model and determining its almost sure spectrum, we …