[PDF][PDF] Strategi Peningkatan Mutu Pembelajaran pada Sekolah Unggulan: Studi Multi Situs di MI Darul Muta'alimin Patianrowo Nganjuk, MI Muhammadiyah 1 Pare …
A Solikah - Didaktika Religia, 2014 - jurnalpascasarjana.iainkediri.ac.id
This paper deals with the available resources and strategies used to improve the quality of
learning at excellent schools. The study was conducted at MI Darul Muta'alimin Patianrowo …
learning at excellent schools. The study was conducted at MI Darul Muta'alimin Patianrowo …
[PDF][PDF] Pengaruh tingkat pendidikan, pelatihan, dan pengalaman mengajar terhadap profesionalitas guru di Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri Kediri 2
D Firdaus - Didaktika Religia, 2014 - jurnalpascasarjana.iainkediri.ac.id
This study examines the influence of educational levels, training and teaching experiences
towards professionalism of teachers at MTs Negeri Kediri 2. By using quantitative approach …
towards professionalism of teachers at MTs Negeri Kediri 2. By using quantitative approach …
Transformation Toward the Professional Islamic Schooling: The Managerial Dimension of the Headmaster of NU Insan Cendekia Elementary School Kediri East Java …
MN Khasbulloh, M Yasin - Fenomena, 2022 - fenomena.uinkhas.ac.id
Transformasi menuju lembaga pendidikan Islam yang professional merupakan kunci untuk
meraih predikat lembaga pendidikan yang unggul dan kompetitif. SD NU Insan Cendekia …
meraih predikat lembaga pendidikan yang unggul dan kompetitif. SD NU Insan Cendekia …
Internalisasi Pendidikan Nilai Melalui Pembelajaran Terintegrasi di MAU Darul Ulum Step-2 IDB Peterongan-Jombang
S Purwaningrum - Didaktika Religia, 2013 - jurnalpascasarjana.iainkediri.ac.id
The research aims at describing the internalization of value education through integrated
instruction at MAU-DU STEP-2 IDB Peterongan-Jombang. The data were collected through …
instruction at MAU-DU STEP-2 IDB Peterongan-Jombang. The data were collected through …