The psychology of music in multimedia

SL Tan, A Cohen, AJ Cohen, SD Lipscomb, RA Kendall - 2013 -
For most of the history of film-making, music has played an integral role serving many
functions-such as conveying emotion, heightening tension, and influencing interpretation …

Overview of auditory representations in human-machine interfaces

Á Csapó, G Wersényi - ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), 2013 -
In recent years, a large number of research projects have focused on the use of auditory
representations in a broadened scope of application scenarios. Results in such projects …

Using nonspeech sounds to provide navigation cues

SA Brewster - ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction …, 1998 -
This article describes 3 experiments that investigate the possibiity of using structured
nonspeech audio messages called earcons to provide navigational cues in a menu …

[PDF][PDF] Providing a structured method for integrating non-speech audio into human-computer interfaces

SA Brewster - 1994 -
This thesis provides a framework for integrating non-speech sound into humancomputer
interfaces. Previously there was no structured way of doing this, it was done in an ad hoc …

[PDF][PDF] Experimentally derived guidelines for the creation of earcons

SA Brewster, PC Wright… - Adjunct Proceedings of …, 1995 -
There is a lack of guidelines for designers to use when creating sounds for their interfaces.
This paper proposes a set of general guidelines for the creation of earcons based upon six …

Design guidelines for audio presentation of graphs and tables

LM Brown, SA Brewster, SA Ramloll, R Burton… - 2003 -
Audio can be used to make visualisations accessible to blind and visually impaired people.
The MultiVis Project has carried out research into suitable methods for presenting graphs …

Drawing by ear: Interpreting sonified line graphs

LM Brown, SA Brewster - 2003 -
The research presented here describes a pilot study into the interpretation of sonified line
graphs containing two data series. The experiment aimed to discover the level of accuracy …

Making the mainstream accessible: redefining the game

MT Atkinson, S Gucukoglu, CHC Machin… - Proceedings of the …, 2006 -
Research into improving the accessibility of computer games can enable us to better
understand what makes a good gaming experience for all users. We discuss work carried …

Making progress with sounds-the design & evaluation of an audio progress bar

M Crease, S Brewster - International Conference on Auditory …, 1998 -
This paper describes an experiment to investigate the effectiveness of adding sound to
progress bars. Progress bars have usability problems because they present temporal …

A 3D audio only interactive Web browser: using spatialization to convey hypermedia document structure

S Goose, C Möller - Proceedings of the seventh ACM international …, 1999 -
Interactive audio browsers provide both sighted and visually impaired users with access to
the WWW. In addition to the desktop PC, audio browsing technology can be deployed that …