Phase vector incompressible registration algorithm for motion estimation from tagged magnetic resonance images
Tagged magnetic resonance imaging has been used for decades to observe and quantify
motion and strain of deforming tissue. It is challenging to obtain 3-D motion estimates due to …
motion and strain of deforming tissue. It is challenging to obtain 3-D motion estimates due to …
3-D measurements of acceleration-induced brain deformation via harmonic phase analysis and finite-element models
Objective: To obtain dense spatiotemporal measurements of brain deformation from two
distinct but complementary head motion experiments: linear and rotational accelerations …
distinct but complementary head motion experiments: linear and rotational accelerations …
Group characterization of impact-induced, in vivo human brain kinematics
Brain movement during an impact can elicit a traumatic brain injury, but tissue kinematics
vary from person to person and knowledge regarding this variability is limited. This study …
vary from person to person and knowledge regarding this variability is limited. This study …
Quantifying tensor field similarity with global distributions and optimal transport
Strain tensor fields quantify tissue deformation and are important for functional analysis of
moving organs such as the heart and the tongue. Strain data can be readily obtained using …
moving organs such as the heart and the tongue. Strain data can be readily obtained using …
Quantitative Validation of MRI-Based Motion Estimation for Brain Impact Biomechanics
Head impact can cause traumatic brain injury (TBI) through axonal overstretch or
subsequent inflammation and understanding the biomechanics of the impact event is useful …
subsequent inflammation and understanding the biomechanics of the impact event is useful …