Exploring Teaching Profession from a Sociological Perspective: Evidence from Turkey.

S Ünsal, R Agçam, F Korkmaz - Universal Journal of Educational Research, 2017 - ERIC
Taking into consideration the teachers' direct influence on students' educational life and
indirect influence on the community life, the present study aims to reveal perspectives of …

The Political Economy of Teacher Training in Latin America: A Review of the Research Literature

N McGinn, E Schiefelbein - The Palgrave Handbook of Teacher Education …, 2023 - Springer
The education systems of Latin America rank low in international comparisons of student
achievement on standardized tests. Of the ten Latin American countries that participated in …

Empowering of the teacher's identity crisis for supporting quality young gifted education

I Muslimin - Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists, 2020 - dergipark.org.tr
To support good education for young gifted children, needed teachers who have a strong
character, in‎ terms of principles, professionalism, and identity. If the teachers who teach …

Escolha de curso superior à luz do Behavioral Perspective Model (BPM)

CP Borges - 2017 - realp.unb.br
A escolha de curso superior tem sido estudada principalmente a partir de tradições de
pesquisa da sociologia, economia e desenvolvimento de carreira/counseling. Entretanto …

Postrzeganie atrakcyjności wykonywanego zawodu przez nauczycieli w Polsce

P Macholak - Zeszyty Naukowe Polskiego Towarzystwa …, 2021 - ceeol.com
Understanding perception of attractiveness of the teaching profession from the perspective
of teachers active on a popular social media platform is the primary goal of this article …

Student teachers' self-evaluation and perceived social evaluation of their future profession in South Tyrol–Italy

B Gross - Formazione & insegnamento, 2019 - ojs.pensamultimedia.it
Focusing on the student teachers' evaluation of the prestige of their future profession is
needed to include this aspect of the professionalization process in teacher education and …


D Ponmozhi - researchgate.net
The current inquiry has been undertaken in order to study the Teaching interest of student
teacher in Tamil Nadu state. 622 student teachers were selected from various Education …

[PDF][PDF] Interesting Factors of Prospective Teachers

D Ponmozhi - academia.edu
The present investigation has been undertaken in order to study the Teaching interest of
student teacher in Tamil Nadu state. By using the random sampling technique 622 student …

Zeszyty Naukowe Polskiego Towarzystwa Ekonomicznego w Zielonej Górze nr 5

PT Ekonomiczne - 2016 - ceeol.com
Na obszarach wiejskich obserwujemy liczne zjawiska społeczno-gospodarcze, wśród
których należy wymienić malejącą rolę rolnictwa, jako źródła utrzymania mieszkańców wsi …