Performance evaluation of NCEP climate forecast system for the prediction of winter temperatures over India

MM Nageswararao, UC Mohanty… - Theoretical and Applied …, 2016 - Springer
The surface air temperature during the winter season (December–February) in India
adversely affects agriculture as well as day-to-day life. Therefore, the accurate prediction of …

The iCOLT climate service: Seasonal predictions of irrigation for Emilia‐Romagna, Italy

G Villani, F Tomei, V Pavan, A Pirola… - Meteorological …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Emilia‐Romagna is a region of Northern Italy whose land use is mainly devoted to
agriculture, especially over the plain area. Since the region is characterized by summer …

[PDF][PDF] Application of seasonal temperature and rainfall forecast for wheat yield prediction for Palampur, Himachal Pradesh

RK Pal, VK Sehgal, AK Misra, K Ghosh… - Int J Agric Food …, 2013 -
In this study, performance of seasonal temperature and rainfall forecast were evaluated for
forecasting of wheat yield using CERES-wheat model for Himachal Pradesh region. Using …

[PDF][PDF] Climatic scenarios and their impacts on irrigated agriculture in Emilia-Romagna, Italy

G Villani, F Tomei, R Tomozeiu… - Italian Journal of …, 2011 -
We produced downscaled climatic projections (based on A1B Ipcc emission scenario) for six
Italian study areas, in the framework of the Italian Agroscenari research project. The …

[HTML][HTML] Analysis of precipitation in Emilia-Romagna (Italy) and impacts of climate change scenarios

R Tomozeiu - Education, 1996 -
A hydroclimatic regional atlas for the period 1961-2008 was produced in the framework of
the Eraclito project, funded by the Italian region Emilia-Romagna (22,000 km2). The data …

Comparative evaluation of performances of two versions of NCEP climate forecast system in predicting winter precipitation over India

MM Nageswararao, UC Mohanty, A Nair… - Pure and Applied …, 2016 - Springer
The precipitation during winter (December through February) over India is highly variable in
terms of time and space. Maximum precipitation occurs over the Himalaya region, which is …

[PDF][PDF] MM Nageswararao, UC Mohanty, S. Kiran Prasad, Krishna K. Osuri &

S Ramakrishna -
The surface air temperature during the winter season (December–February) in India
adversely affects agriculture as well as day-to-day life. Therefore, the accurate prediction of …


A Guarnieri, G Taglioli, V Marletto, F Tomei -
Oggi si usa sempre più spesso il suffisso omico per designare l'applicazione in diversi
campi scientifici dell'approccio fruttuoso della metabolomica. La metabolomica è lo studio …

[引用][C] Scenari di cambiamento climatico e loro impatto sull'agricoltura irrigua romagnola

G Villani, R Tomozeiu, F Tomei, V Marletto - Proceedings of Italian Agrometeorology …, 2010

[引用][C] 2.3 SISTEMI COLTURALI E IRRIGAZIONE* PAGEREF _Toc299351606\h** 52* 2.3. 1 Strumenti per lÆanalisi quantitativa dellÆimpatto dei cambiamenti …

A Nardone, N Lacetera, G Pirlo, MS Ranieri…