Plant species diversity of Adriatic islands: An introductory survey

T Nikolić, O Antonić, AL Alegro, I Dobrović… - Plant Biosystems-An …, 2008 - Taylor & Francis
Abstract The European Mediterranean region is one of the world's major centres of
biodiversity. Research on plant species diversity in this region has neglected the area along …

[PDF][PDF] Plant uses in Croatia

T Nikolić, I Rešetnik - Phytologia Balcanica, 2007 -
Despite the long history of plant usage, the economic values of the highly diverse Croatian
vascular flora (5516 taxa) were never investigated. For the purpose of a survey of the useful …

Herbarium ZAGR of the Faculty of Agriculture (Zagreb, Croatia)

S Bogdanović, M Britvec, D Dujmović Purgar… - Agriculturae …, 2016 -
Sažetak Herbarium ZAGR of the Faculty of Agriculture (Zagreb) is the youngest registered
herbarium in Croatia. Currently the collection has estimated from 7.500 to 10.000 herbarium …

[PDF][PDF] Problems and experiences with student projects based on real-world problems: A case study

K Fertalj, B Milašinović, I Nižetić - Technics Technologies Education …, 2013 -
Involving students into real-world projects and real teamwork environment is of the great
importance in software engineering education that is sometimes ignored in academic …

Adriatic coastal plant taxa and communities of Croatia and their threat status

Z Stancic, A Brigic, Z Liber, G Rusak, J Franjic… - Acta Botanica …, 2008 - Taylor & Francis
Coastal ecosystems of Croatia have recently become highly threatened because of the
sudden increase in tourism, building by the shore and other anthropogenic activities. Based …

An evaluation of floristic diversity in Medvednica Nature Park (northwestern Croatia)

I Dobrović, T Nikolić, SD Jelaska, M Plazibat… - Plant …, 2006 - Taylor & Francis
Abstract Mount Medvednica (northwestern Croatia), mostly consisting of slates and marls,
rises to the north, above the Croatian capital of Zagreb, from 300 to 1,035 m asl A floristic …

Flora otočića Logorun i Lukovnik

N Sučić - 2022 -
Sažetak Flora otočića Logorun i Lukovnik istraživana je 2022. godine, pokazuje veliku
raznolikost, obuhvaća 144 vrsta i podvrsta iz 54 porodice. Najzastupljenije su porodice …

Neka iskustva u razvoju informacijskih sustava

D Kalpić, M Baranović, V Mornar… - … tehničkih znanosti Hrvatske, 2019 -
Sažetak Tematika informacijskih sustava je široka i multidisciplinarna. Au-tori opisuju
prvenstveno osobna iskustva od razdoblja početka informacijskih sustava u Hrvatskoj 70.-ih …

[PDF][PDF] Flora jezera Prolo kog blata

M Rimac -
Two types of habitat were investigated in the 5 flora of the Prološkog Blata Lake In the study
of the precipitated watercourse vegetation of the Prološkog Blata Lake, 10 plant species …

[PDF][PDF] Flora otočića Krknjaš Veli i Krknjaš Mali

Z Butigan - Diplomski rad. PMF Split, 2017 -
Flora otočića Krknja Veli i Krknja Mali Page 1 Flora otočića Krknja Veli i Krknja Mali Butigan,
Zoran Master's thesis / Diplomski rad 2017 Degree Grantor / Ustanova koja je dodijelila …