[图书][B] World class

A Schleicher - 2018 - sadil.ws
“No one knows more about education around the world than Andreas Schleicher. Full stop.
For the first time, he's collected 20 years worth of wisdom in one place. World Class should …

6G: The personal tactile internet—and open questions for information theory

GP Fettweis, H Boche - IEEE BITS the Information Theory …, 2021 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The initial vision of cellular communications was to deliver ubiquitous voice communications
to anyone anywhere. In a simplified view, 1G delivered voice services for business …

The social impacts of innovation: reproducing racial, gender and social class inequality

E Dahlin, SK Ammons, JS Rugh, R Sumsion… - International Journal of …, 2023 - emerald.com
Purpose While current scholarship on innovation typically examines its antecedents, the
purpose of this paper is to provide a more complete account by advocating for social impacts …

Bohemian Rhapsody of Future Drug Delivery Systems: Rational Changes Necessary for the Next Revolution

K Park, A Otte, T Li - Molecular Pharmaceutics, 2024 - ACS Publications
Controlled drug delivery technology has matured for more than 70 years, starting from a
twice-a-day oral formulation to 6 month long-acting injectable formulations. Further …

[图书][B] Post normal accident: Revisiting Perrow's classic

JC Le Coze - 2020 - taylorfrancis.com
Post Normal Accident revisits Perrow's classic Normal Accident published in 1984 and
provides additional insights to our sociological view of safety-critical organisations. The …

[HTML][HTML] Сопротивление менеджеров среднего звена цифровой трансформации

К Багратиони, Т Томас - Форсайт, 2023 - cyberleninka.ru
Корпоративные инициативы в области цифровой трансформации зачастую встречают
сопротивление персонала, включая менеджерский состав. В статье на примере …

Calibrating the PhD for Industry 4.0: Global concerns, national agendas and Australian institutional responses

T Molla, D Cuthbert - Policy Reviews in Higher Education, 2019 - Taylor & Francis
ABSTRACT The demands of Industry 4.0 (the Fourth Industrial Revolution) for a future-ready
skilled workforce have placed significant political pressure on PhD programs to deliver …

[图书][B] Primera Clase Cómo construir una escuela de calidad para el siglo XXI: Cómo construir una escuela de calidad para el siglo XXI

S Andreas - 2018 - books.google.com
En un mundo en el que el tipo de cosas que resulta fácil enseñar y evaluar también se han
vuelto fáciles de digitalizar y automatizar, habrán de ser nuestra imaginación, nuestra …

[图书][B] Introducción heterodoxa a las ciencias sociales

D Martuccelli - 2020 - books.google.com
Un relato–sin fisuras, incuestionado e influyente–estructura y condiciona las formas de
pensar de las ciencias sociales. Es la narrativa occidental moderna, surgida y alimentada al …

[引用][C] Utilization-focused evaluation

MQ Patton, CE Campbell-Patton - 2021 - Sage Publications