Global analysis of the mechanical properties of organic crystals

DP Karothu, J Mahmoud Halabi… - Angewandte Chemie …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Organic crystals, although widely studied, have not been considered nascent candidate
materials in engineering design. Here we summarize the mechanical properties of organic …

Global performance indices for dynamic crystals as organic thermal actuators

DP Karothu, J Mahmoud Halabi, L Li… - Advanced …, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
Crystal adaptronics is an emergent materials science discipline at the intersection of solid‐
state chemistry and mechanical engineering that explores the dynamic nature of …

Tabletability and compactibility of α-lactose monohydrate powders of different particle size. I. Experimental comparison

AS Persson, S Pazesh, G Alderborn - Pharmaceutical …, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
In this paper, two types of parameters representing tabletability and compactibility profiles of
a series of α-lactose monohydrate powders, ranging in particle size from approximately 3.5 …

[HTML][HTML] Predicting finite-temperature properties of crystalline carbon dioxide from first principles with quantitative accuracy

YN Heit, KD Nanda, GJO Beran - Chemical Science, 2016 -
Molecular crystal structures, thermodynamics, and mechanical properties can vary
substantially with temperature, and predicting these temperature-dependencies correctly is …

Finite-Temperature Mechanical Properties of Organic Molecular Crystals from Classical Molecular Simulation

M Brunsteiner, S Nilsson-Lil, LM Morgan… - Crystal Growth & …, 2023 - ACS Publications
The mechanical properties of crystalline materials can have an impact on different aspects of
solid dosage form design and manufacturing. Experimental determination of these quantities …

[HTML][HTML] Indentation plasticity and fracture studies of organic crystals

S Mannepalli, KSRN Mangalampalli - Crystals, 2017 -
This review article summarizes the recent advances in measuring and understanding the
indentation-induced plastic deformation and fracture behavior of single crystals of a wide …

Application of instrumented nanoindentation in preformulation studies of pharmaceutical active ingredients and excipients

M Egart, B Janković, S Srčič - Acta Pharmaceutica, 2016 -
Sažetak Nanoindentation allows quantitative determination of a material's response to stress
such as elastic and plastic deformation or fracture tendency. Key instruments that have …

A modern approach to the Heckel Equation: The effect of compaction pressure on the yield pressure of ibuprofen and its sodium salt

D Hooper, FC Clarke, JC Mitchell… - … of Nanomedicine and …, 2016 -
Despite being heavily criticised in the literature the most widely used and accepted
compaction equation is the Heckel equation proposed by Heckel in 1961. Its presence in …

How can single particle compression and nanoindentation contribute to the understanding of pharmaceutical powder compression?

I Wünsch, S Michel, JH Finke, E John, M Juhnke… - European Journal of …, 2021 - Elsevier
The deformation behaviour of a powder and, thus, of the individual particles is a crucial
parameter in powder compaction and affects powder compressibility and compactibility. The …

Characterisation of dry powder inhaler formulations using atomic force microscopy

C Weiss, P McLoughlin, H Cathcart - International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 2015 - Elsevier
Inhalation formulations are a popular way of treating the symptoms of respiratory diseases.
The active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) is delivered directly to the site of action within the …