Mobile computing and databases-a survey
D Barbara - IEEE transactions on Knowledge and Data …, 1999 -
The emergence of powerful portable computers, along with advances in wireless
communication technologies, has made mobile computing a reality. Among the applications …
communication technologies, has made mobile computing a reality. Among the applications …
Balancing push and pull for data broadcast
S Acharya, M Franklin, S Zdonik - Proceedings of the 1997 ACM …, 1997 -
The increasing ability to interconnect computers through internet-working, wireless
networks, high-bandwidth satellite, and cable networks has spawned a new class of …
networks, high-bandwidth satellite, and cable networks has spawned a new class of …
“Data in your face” push technology in perspective
M Franklin, S Zdonik - Proceedings of the 1998 ACM SIGMOD …, 1998 -
Push technology stems from a vel-y simple idea. Rather than requiring USCIS to explicitly
request (ie,“pull”) the information that they need, data can be sent to users without having …
request (ie,“pull”) the information that they need, data can be sent to users without having …
The SIFT information dissemination system
TW Yan, H Garcia-Molina - ACM Transactions on Database Systems …, 1999 -
Information dissemination is a powerful mechanism for finding information in wide-area
environments. An information dissemination server accepts long-term user queries, collects …
environments. An information dissemination server accepts long-term user queries, collects …
A framework for scalable dissemination-based systems
M Franklin, S Zdonik - Proceedings of the 12th ACM SIGPLAN …, 1997 -
The dramatic improvements in global interconnectivity due to intranets, extranets, and the
Internet has led to an explosion in the number and variety of new data-intensive …
Internet has led to an explosion in the number and variety of new data-intensive …
High bandwidth broadcast system having localized multicast access to broadcast content
PW Donahue, JA Dankworth, LW Hinderks… - US Patent …, 2005 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A method and arrangement is provided for the multicasting of Streaming
digital content to a plurality of Internet users. Streaming digital audio, Video or other digital …
digital content to a plurality of Internet users. Streaming digital audio, Video or other digital …
Research in data broadcast and dissemination
D Aksoy, M Altinel, R Bose, U Cetintemel… - … Conference, AMCP'98 …, 1999 - Springer
The proliferation of the Internet and intranets, the development of wireless and satellite
networks, and the availability of asymmetric, high-bandwidth links to the home, have fueled …
networks, and the availability of asymmetric, high-bandwidth links to the home, have fueled …
A genetic algorithm for multicast mapping in publish-subscribe systems
M Guimaraes, L Rodrigues - Second IEEE International …, 2003 -
In publish-subscribe systems, multicast is an efficient way to propagate information from the
publishers to a group of subscribers. This paper studies the problem of mapping a large set …
publishers to a group of subscribers. This paper studies the problem of mapping a large set …
Innovation and Application on Evaluation Methods of Regional Tourism Resources
L You-jun, L Zheng-xin - 2009 International Conference on …, 2009 -
Taking Daqing city as an example, this paper makes innovative improvements on evaluation
methods of regional tourism resources. On the basis of tourism resources investigation …
methods of regional tourism resources. On the basis of tourism resources investigation …
[PDF][PDF] PUSH 기술기반모바일광고모델및고객관리앱개발
양기철 - Journal of Digital Convergence, 2015 -
요약 PUSH 기술은 사용자의 요구가 없어도 서버의 정보를 전달할 수 있는 기술로 모바일 앱과
함께 다양한 분야에서 매우 유용하게 활용될 수 있다. 본 논문에서는 PUSH 기술과 모바일 …
함께 다양한 분야에서 매우 유용하게 활용될 수 있다. 본 논문에서는 PUSH 기술과 모바일 …