[HTML][HTML] Protective effect of sweet potato peel against oxidative stress in hyperlipidemic albino rats

SA Althwab, HM Mousa, KM El-Zaha… - Food and Nutrition …, 2019 - scirp.org
In the present investigation, the valorization of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) wastes into
food application with health benefits was studied. Growing interest in the replacement of …

Efektifitas pemberian jus jambu biji terhadap kadar kolesterol total pada pralansia overweight

R Rosyida, Y Yuniarti, SN Mintarsih… - Jurnal Riset …, 2018 - ejournal.poltekkes-smg.ac.id
ABSTRAK Latar Belakang: Kolesterol salah satu penyebab terjadinya penyakit jantung yang
lebih beresiko pada masyarakat overweight. Kasus PJK di Kota Semarang yang disebabkan …

Best quality foods of Iran for the prevention of non-communicable diseases

P Tiwari, G Fatima, RB Singh, F Mehdi… - Functional Foods and …, 2022 - Elsevier
Abstract The Greeks and the Romans knew that certain fruits that had entered the
Mediterranean world were Persian in origin or came via Persia. The most famous of these …

Efektifitas pemberian jus tomat dan jambu biji merah terhadap penurunan kolesterol total pada wanita overweight

AA Nugraheni, M Jaelani, A Rahayuni… - Jurnal Riset …, 2019 - ejournal.poltekkes-smg.ac.id
Metode Ruang lingkup penelitian ini merupakan penelitian gizi klinik. Penelitian
dilaksanakan pada Bulan Februari–Maret 2019 di Kelurahan Pedurungan Tengah RW 2 …

التأثير المحتمل لثمار الخوخ والعنب الأحمر علي الفئران المصابة بإرتفاع الکوليسترول

ذکي, الخولى, العريني - مجلة الاقتصاد المنزلي. جامعة المنوفية, 2020‎ - journals.ekb.eg
اجريت هذه الدراسه لمعرفه تأثيرمسحوق ثمار فاکهه الخوخ والعنب الاحمر بالترکيزاتالمختلفه 2.5-
5% علي الفئران المصابه بارتفاع الکوليستيرول. تم استخدام 40 فأر من النوع الالبينو تتراوح …

[PDF][PDF] Potential Effect Of Peach, Red Grape Fruits And Their Mixture As Powder On Hypercholestrolestrolemic Rats

NZ Amal, M Emad, M Hanaa - Journal of Home Economics, 2020 - mkas.journals.ekb.eg
This study was conducted to investigate the effect of different levels (2.5% and 5%) of peach
(Prunus persica) and red grape (Vitis vinfera, L.) fruits as powder on hypercholesterolemia …