Supersymmetry breaking and α′-corrections to flux induced potentials

K Becker, M Becker, M Haack… - Journal of High Energy …, 2002 -
We obtain the vacuum solutions for M-theory compactified on eight-manifolds with non-
vanishing four-form flux by analyzing the scalar potential appearing in the three-dimensional …

The effective action of N= 1 Calabi–Yau orientifolds

TW Grimm, J Louis - Nuclear Physics B, 2004 - Elsevier
We determine the N= 1 low energy effective action for compactifications of type IIB string
theory on compact Calabi–Yau orientifolds in the presence of background fluxes from a …

The effective action of type IIA Calabi–Yau orientifolds

TW Grimm, J Louis - Nuclear Physics B, 2005 - Elsevier
The N= 1 effective action for generic type IIA Calabi–Yau orientifolds in the presence of
background fluxes is computed from a Kaluza–Klein reduction. The Kähler potential, the …

Weak gravity versus scale separation

N Cribiori, G Dall'Agata - Journal of High Energy Physics, 2022 - Springer
A bstract We give evidence that fully supersymmetric Anti-de Sitter vacua of extended
supergravity with a residual gauge group containing an abelian factor cannot be scale …

The effective action of D7-branes in N= 1 Calabi–Yau orientifolds

H Jockers, J Louis - Nuclear Physics B, 2005 - Elsevier
Using a Kaluza–Klein reduction of the Dirac–Born–Infeld and Chern–Simons action we
compute the four-dimensional N= 1 effective action for the massless modes of a D7-brane …

[图书][B] N= 2 supergravity in D= 4, 5, 6 dimensions

E Lauria, A Van Proeyen - 2020 -
This graduate-level primer presents a tutorial introduction to and overview of N= 2
supergravity theories-with 8 real supercharges and in 4, 5 and 6 dimensions. First, the …

Hitchin functionals in N= 2 supergravity

M Grana, J Louis, D Waldram - Journal of High Energy Physics, 2006 -
We consider type II string theory in space-time backgrounds which admit eight
supercharges. Such backgrounds are characterized by the existence of a (generically non …

Generalized N= 1 orientifold compactifications and the Hitchin functionals

I Benmachiche, TW Grimm - Nuclear Physics B, 2006 - Elsevier
The four-dimensional N= 1 supergravity theories arising in compactifications of type IIA and
type IIB on generalized orientifold backgrounds with background fluxes are discussed. The …

The effective action of D‐branes in Calabi‐Yau orientifold compactifications

H Jockers - Fortschritte der Physik: Progress of Physics, 2005 - Wiley Online Library
In this review article we study type IIB superstring compactifications in the presence of space‐
time filling D‐branes while preserving 𝒩= 1 supersymmetry in the effective four‐dimensional …

String loop corrected hypermultiplet moduli spaces

DR Llana, F Saueressig… - Journal of High Energy …, 2006 -
Using constraints from supersymmetry and string perturbation theory, we determine the
string loop corrections to the hypermultiplet moduli space of type II strings compactified on a …