Succeeding at Failing and Other Oxymorons: Halberstam's The Queer Art of Failure

T Mulqueen - Theory & Event, 2013 -
The Queer Art of Failure is a tour de force of a peculiar kind. It promiscuously and
unapologetically pursues questions of failure, stupidity and forgetting from “low theory” to …

[图书][B] Rendering life molecular: Models, modelers, and excitable matter

N Myers - 2015 -
What are living bodies made of? Protein modelers tell us that our cells are composed of
millions of proteins, intricately folded molecular structures on the scale of nanoparticles …

[图书][B] Freezing fertility: Oocyte cryopreservation and the gender politics of aging

L Van de Wiel - 2020 -
Welcomed as liberation and dismissed as exploitation, egg freezing (oocyte
cryopreservation) has rapidly become one of the most widely-discussed and influential new …

[图书][B] Sounding the limits of life: essays in the anthropology of biology and beyond

S Helmreich - 2015 -
What is life? What is water? What is sound? In Sounding the Limits of Life, anthropologist
Stefan Helmreich investigates how contemporary scientists—biologists, oceanographers …

[PDF][PDF] 13 Social Studies of Scientific Imaging and Visualization

RV Burri, J Dumit - The handbook of science and technology studies, 2008 -
Work on visual images at the intersection of STS and other disciplines is also thriving.
Scholars working in art studies proclaimed a “pictorial turn” in culture (Mitchell, 1994) and …

[图书][B] The public space of social media: Connected cultures of the network society

T Tierney - 2013 -
Social media is restructuring urban practices–through ad-hoc experimentation, commercial
software development, and communities of participation. This book is the first to consider …

[图书][B] Animating film theory

KR Beckman - 2014 -
Animating Film Theory provides an enriched understanding of the relationship between two
of the most unwieldy and unstable organizing concepts in cinema and media studies …

[图书][B] Epigenetic landscapes: drawings as metaphor

SM Squier - 2017 -
Devised in the 1940s by the biologist CH Waddington, the epigenetic landscape is a
metaphor for how gene regulation modulates cellular development. As a scientific model, it …

Haptic creativity and the mid-embodiments of experimental life

N Myers, J Dumit - A Companion to the Anthropology of the …, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
240 NATASHA MYERS AND JOE DUMIT their gestures and affects. Modelers transduce
these affects through their body-work and propagate these gestures through performative …

Animation and automation–The liveliness and labours of bodies and machines

J Stacey, L Suchman - Body & Society, 2012 -
Written as the introduction to a special issue of Body & Society on the topic of animation and
automation, this article considers the interrelation of those two terms through readings of …