Exploring the digital humanities research agenda: a text mining approach
S Joo, J Hootman, M Katsurai - Journal of Documentation, 2022 - emerald.com
Purpose This study aims to explore knowledge structure and research trends in the domain
of digital humanities (DH) in the recent decade. The study identified prevailing topics and …
of digital humanities (DH) in the recent decade. The study identified prevailing topics and …
디지털인문학연구동향분석-Digital Humanities 학술대회논문을중심으로
정은경 - 한국문헌정보학회지, 2021 - dbpia.co.kr
디지털 정보기술과 인문학적 연구 문제의 결합을 통해 새롭고 혁신적인 지식을 창출하는
디지털인문학은 대표적인 다학제적 융합 학문 분야라고 볼 수 있다. 이러한 디지털인문학 …
디지털인문학은 대표적인 다학제적 융합 학문 분야라고 볼 수 있다. 이러한 디지털인문학 …
Arquivamento da Web no contexto das humanidades digitais: da produção a preservação da informação digital
M Rockembach - LIINC em revista. Rio de Janeiro, RJ. Vol. 15, n. 1 …, 2019 - lume.ufrgs.br
Este trabalho procurou trazer as relações existentes entre as humanidades digitais, como
campo emergente de estudos inter e transdisciplinares, e a área de estudo do …
campo emergente de estudos inter e transdisciplinares, e a área de estudo do …
An investigation on digital humanities research trend by analyzing the papers of digital humanities conferences
E Chung - Journal of the Korean Society for Library and …, 2021 - koreascience.kr
Digital humanities, which creates new and innovative knowledge through the combination of
digital information technology and humanities research problems, can be seen as a …
digital information technology and humanities research problems, can be seen as a …
[PDF][PDF] Identifying main topics of digital humanities courses across countries: A topic modelling BERTopic technique
YH Liu, A Anikin - Intelligent Computing for Cultural Heritage, 2024 - library.oapen.org
The field of Digital Humanities (DH) has emerged from the earlier field of Hu‑manities
Computing and is concerned with the use of digital and computational methods in …
Computing and is concerned with the use of digital and computational methods in …
[图书][B] Digital humanities texts from 1990-2018: Comparing the evolution of digital humanities in North America and East Asia
J Shao - 2019 - search.proquest.com
This project examines the quantity of previous research in the digital humanities, which,
most broadly speaking, is the study of the intersection and/or interrelation between digital …
most broadly speaking, is the study of the intersection and/or interrelation between digital …