Surveying Woodland Raptors by Broadcast of Conspecific Vocalizations (Conteo de Aves Rapaces en Áreas Boscosas Utilizando Grabaciones de la Vocalización de …
JA Mosher, MR Fuller, M Kopeny - Journal of field Ornithology, 1990 - JSTOR
We surveyed for raptors in forests on study areas in five of the eastern United States. For
Cooper's Hawks (Accipiter cooperi), Red-shouldered Hawks (Buteo lineatus), and Barred …
Cooper's Hawks (Accipiter cooperi), Red-shouldered Hawks (Buteo lineatus), and Barred …
Home range attributes and habitat selection of barred owls and spotted owls in an area of sympatry
TE Hamer, ED Forsman, EM Glenn - The Condor, 2007 -
We compared home range areas and habitat selection of radio-marked Spotted Owls (Strix
occidentalis) and Barred Owls (Strix varia) in an area of sympatry in the northern Cascade …
occidentalis) and Barred Owls (Strix varia) in an area of sympatry in the northern Cascade …
A quantitative description of the vocalizations and vocal activity of the Barred Owl
KJ Odom, DJ Mennill - The Condor, 2010 -
Barred Owls (Strix varia) are highly vocal and perform a diverse array of vocalizations. They
are often monitored by acoustic surveys, yet Barred Owl vocalizations and vocal behavior …
are often monitored by acoustic surveys, yet Barred Owl vocalizations and vocal behavior …
Does the presence of Barred Owls suppress the calling behavior of Spotted Owls?
ML Crozier, ME Seamans, RJ GutiÉRrez… - The Condor, 2006 -
Abstract Abstract Barred Owls (Strix varia) have expanded their range throughout the ranges
of Northern (Strix occidentalis caurina) and California Spotted Owls (S. o. occidentalis). Field …
of Northern (Strix occidentalis caurina) and California Spotted Owls (S. o. occidentalis). Field …
Barred owl occupancy surveys within the range of the northern spotted owl
JD Wiens, RG Anthony… - The Journal of Wildlife …, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
The range expansion by barred owls (Strix varia) into western North America has raised
considerable concern regarding their potential effects on declining northern spotted owl …
considerable concern regarding their potential effects on declining northern spotted owl …
Planning open spaces for wildlife 2: modeling and verifying focal species habitat
In the face of human population growth that is transforming the Earth, scientists, land
managers, and planners are working to prevent, mitigate, and reverse the consequent loss …
managers, and planners are working to prevent, mitigate, and reverse the consequent loss …
Detection rates of spotted owls based on acoustic-lure and live-lure surveys
JA Reid, RB Horn, ED Forsman - Wildlife Society Bulletin, 1999 - JSTOR
Most survey protocols for northern spotted owls (Strix occidentalis) assume that 3 surveys
from roads at night are sufficient to document occupation of territories by spotted owls. The 3 …
from roads at night are sufficient to document occupation of territories by spotted owls. The 3 …
Who hits and hoots at whom? Potential for interference competition between barred and northern spotted owls
The northern spotted owl (Strix occidentalis caurina) is a controversial species in the Pacific
Northwest that is listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act. The barred owl …
Northwest that is listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act. The barred owl …
PPOFAS OWL - Western Birds, 1998 -
The Barred Owl (Strix varia) has rapidly expanded its range into the western United States in
the past century, moving westward across the northern Rocky Mountains and thence …
the past century, moving westward across the northern Rocky Mountains and thence …
Owl occurrence and calling behavior in a tropical rain forest
PL Enríquez, JL Rangel-Salazar - Journal of …, 2001 -
We estimated owl occurrence (number of individuals per km of trail/night) from spontaneous
calls and responses to broadcast vocalizations, during 12 repetitions of each method over 3 …
calls and responses to broadcast vocalizations, during 12 repetitions of each method over 3 …