Multiscale characteristics of the emerging global cryptocurrency market

M Wątorek, S Drożdż, J Kwapień, L Minati… - Physics Reports, 2021 - Elsevier
Modern financial markets are characterized by a rapid flow of information, a vast number of
participants having diversified investment horizons, and multiple feedback mechanisms …

Global, local, and contagious investor sentiment

M Baker, J Wurgler, Y Yuan - Journal of financial economics, 2012 - Elsevier
We construct investor sentiment indices for six major stock markets and decompose them
into one global and six local indices. In a validation test, we find that relative sentiment is …

What explains the dynamics of 100 anomalies?

H Jacobs - Journal of Banking & Finance, 2015 - Elsevier
Are anomalies strongest when investor sentiment or limits of arbitrage are considered to be
greatest? We empirically explore these theoretically deducted predictions. We first identify …

Multinationals as arbitrageurs: The effect of stock market valuations on foreign direct investment

M Baker, CF Foley, J Wurgler - The Review of Financial Studies, 2008 -
Empirical evidence of imperfect integration across world capital markets suggests a role for
cross-border arbitrage by multinationals. Consistent with multinational arbitrage as a …

Multi-market trading and arbitrage

L Gagnon, GA Karolyi - Journal of Financial Economics, 2010 - Elsevier
We measure arbitrage opportunities by comparing the intraday prices and quotes of
American Depositary Receipts (ADRs) and other types of cross-listed shares in US markets …

Bitcoin microstructure and the kimchi premium

KJ Choi, A Lehar, R Stauffer - Available at SSRN 3189051, 2022 -
Abstract Between January 2016 and January 2020, bitcoin were on average 2.27% more
expensive in Korea than in the United States, a fact commonly referred to as the Kimchi …

The term structure of equity risk premia: Levered noise and new estimates

O Boguth, M Carlson, A Fisher, M Simutin - Review of Finance, 2023 -
Levered noise occurs when no-arbitrage replication hedges fundamentals but amplifies
price errors. Motivated by our theory, we use widely-available end-of-day OptionMetrics data …

[PDF][PDF] The law of one bitcoin price

A Kroeger, A Sarkar - Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, 2017 -
Bitcoin, a digital currency, constitutes a textbook example where the law of one price should
be satisfied as, unlike asset pairs previously studied in the literature, it is a fully fungible …

Kimchi premium and speculative trading in bitcoin

Y Eom - Finance Research Letters, 2021 - Elsevier
This paper examines whether cryptocurrency bubbles are loud. We focus on the relation
between bitcoin prices and trading volume. Using bitcoin data from Korea and the US, we …

Bitcoin arbitrage

A Shynkevich - Finance Research Letters, 2021 - Elsevier
We investigate arbitrage at four decentralized bitcoin exchanges that contribute to
calculation of the index serving as the underlying price for the CME bitcoin futures …